steven jobs

  • steven jobs

    steven jobs
    Steven Paul was born in San Francisco, the son of Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Schieble. He is quickly adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs
  • apple

    apple make the first computer and gets bigger
  • book

    steven makes his first book on his first computer
  • Laurene Powell

    Laurene Powell
    steve jobs marries Laurene Powell
  • dvds

    Introduction of the iMac DVs and of iMovie, the first of Apple's first Digital Hub app
  • best computer

    best computer
    Steve Jobs unveils the Power Mac G5, the world’s fastest computer, at WWDC
  • ipod mini

    ipod mini
    the ipod becomes the best seller for mp3 player
  • cancer

    Steve Jobs finally has his pancreatic tumor removed by surgery
  • sugery

    Steve receives a liver transplant at the Methodist University Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. He was weeks away from dying when he got the surgery
  • death

    stven died in his home