Steve Wozniak Life Accomplishments/Events

  • Birth

    Steve Wozniak was born on August 11, 1950 in San Jose California.
  • College Years

    Steve Wozniak attended the University of Colorado for his first year of college, where he was expelled for hacking the schools computer system.
  • Meeting Jobs

    Wozniak meet then high school student Steve Jobs in 1971 and both of them joined the Home brew Computer Club. This meeting would be the start of the Apple Company as we know it.
  • Creating the Apple 1

    Creating the Apple 1
    Steve Wozniak designed a personal microcomputer that used the new microprocessor the Intel 8080. Jobs liked his work so much that they started working together and made the Apple Computer Company. In 1976 Wozniak built the Apple 1 computer in Job's garage.
  • Apple 2

    Apple 2
    In 1977, Woz built the Apple 2 Computer which has been known as the first highly successful mass produced microcomputer of its time. He managed to have the Apple 2 display colored graphics and made the machine programmable as it was able to be made to say "hello".
  • Apple goes public

    Apple goes public in the 80's and Job's and Wozniak's roles are diminished.
  • The Woz's Return

    Wozniak returned to Apple after a brief Hiatus as an engineer on the Apple 2 team and started working on a new computer (LISA/Macintosh). They wanted to make this machine cheaper and more advanced than the Apple 2. This included a drop down menu and cursor for a mouse (which is what is still used today).
  • Music festival

    Outside of the tech world, in 198, Wozniak organized a music festival with big names like Fleet wood Mac and the Grateful Dead.
  • Leaving Apple

    A monumental moment in the life of Steve Wozniak as he leaves the company that he co-founded in 1985.
  • National Medal of Technology

    Wozniak was awarded the National Medal of Technology in 1985. The same year he left Apple.
  • First Programmable Universal Remote Control

    First Programmable Universal Remote Control
    Steve Wozniak mastered and created the first ever programmable universal remote control with CL 9 in 1987. CL 9 was a startup company founded by Wozniak. This was the beginning of universal remote controls as we know it and still use them today, especially with Television.
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation

    Steve Wozniak helped establish the Electronic Frontier Foundation. This Organization was made to help current and future hackers/computer users in a new and growing field by providing legal aid for hackers facing criminal prosecution.
  • Inducted into the Inventors Hall of Fame

    Inducted into the Inventors Hall of Fame
    In 2001 Wozniak was inducted into the Inventors Hall of Fame, where he is recognized with the likes of Thomas Edison and other famous and important inventors that helped revolutionize our society.
  • WoZ (Wheels of Zeus)

    In 2002, Wozniak started the company Wheels of Zeus (WoZ for short) with the aim of developing wireless GPS technology. This company/venture lasted until 2006.
  • Autobiography

    In 2006 Wozniak released his Autobiography titled 'IWOZ: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It. Which detailed his life, how he built his first computers and the personal computer, as well as creating the apple computer company from his own point of view and voice.