
Steve Wozniak

  • Expelled from CU Boulder

    Expelled from CU Boulder
    Steve was expelled from the school after infiltrating the university mainframe and pranking other students. After his expulsion, he returned to the Bay Area where he began the development of the Apple I. Steve was awarded an honorary degree in 1989 from the university and has been an honorary speaker there since.
  • Steve meets Steve Jobs

    Steve meets Steve Jobs
    Steve Wozniak first meets Steve Jobs. The two immediately became friends and started an initial business selling "blue boxes" that allowed people to make long-distance calls at no cost.
  • The Apple I Computer

    The Apple I Computer
    Wozniak initially designed the chip that would later become the Apple I to impress other members of the Homebrew Computer Club. Wozniak offered to sell the idea to HP, where he was working at the time, and after declining Jobs suggested that they could profit on the idea themselves. In 1976 the first Apple I computer was complete.
  • Apple Computer Company

    Apple Computer Company
    After the development of the Apple I was complete, Jobs and Wozniak created Apple Computer Company. Unlike many of the competitors at the time, the pair consulted with business professionals and advertised to the general public compared with niche hacking and programming communities.
  • The Apple II Computer

    The Apple II Computer
    After the initial success of the Apple I, Wozniak began the development of the Apple II computer. The computer was a commercial success and put Apple Computer Company on the map.
  • Grace Murray Hopper Award

    Grace Murray Hopper Award
    Wozniak is given the ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award
  • Apple Goes Public

    Apple Goes Public
    In 1980 Apple went public, making Wozniak an instant millionaire. Despite Wozniak's dislike of money, it would allow him to focus on other projects and produced one of my favorite parts to the Forrest Gump Movie:
  • Plane Crash

    Plane Crash
    Steve Wozniak was piloting a small airplane when he crashed shortly after taking off. He was not qualified to operate the plane. After the crash, he had issues with his memory and took a leave from Apple during and for a period after his recovery.
  • US Festivals

    US Festivals
    Wozniak founded the company Unuson (Unite us in song) which put on two US Festivals. Note that the US is the pronoun form of the word. The festivals focused on a combination of music, computers, television, and people. The festivals failed financially and Steve returned to apple in 1983.
  • Graduation from Berkley

    Graduation from Berkley
    Wozniak graduated from UC Berkley with a degree in electrical engineering and computer sciences. He enrolled under the name Rockey Raccoon Clark, which is listed on his diploma.
  • National Medal of Technology

    National Medal of Technology
    Both Wozniak and Jobs recieve the National Medal of Technology from President Ronald Reagan.
  • Departure from Apple

    Departure from Apple
    After his return to Apple, Steve did not feel as though he was needed any longer and was quoted to have missed the early days. One factor that likely influenced his departure was the disrespect of the Apple II by management, despite accounting for the majority of the company's profits.
  • Wozzie Awards

    Wozzie Awards
    Wozniak lends his name to the Stephen G. Wozniak Acheivement Awards. The award is given to six high school or college students in the bay area who innovate with the use of computers in the fields of business, art, and music.
  • Marriage with Kathy Griffin

    Marriage with Kathy Griffin
    After two failed marriages, Wozniak marries Kathy Griffin to whom he is currently married.
  • Steve Jobs Death

    Steve Jobs Death
    Despite officially leaving Apple, Wozniak maintained on the official employee list and would represent the company at events and in interviews. He maintained a somewhat friendly relationship with Jobs until his death, although he believes that Jobs is the reason the Macintosh originally failed.