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Steve Wozniak

  • Steve is born

    Steve is born in San Jose, California. However, he grew up in Cupertino, California (Levy, 249).
  • Steve designs the Apple I

    Steve designs the Apple I
    Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs received an order for 50 assembled kits from a local store.
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    Steve is involved in the Homebrew Computer Club

    Steve would often sit in the back of the room talking to high school students who were fascinated with the technology that he would talk about. (Levy, 253)
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    Steve influences Randy Wigginton

    Wigginton was taken to meetings by Steve and later joined Apple and became the sixth employee (Levy, 251). Link text.
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    The Floppy Disk used in the Apple II

    The Floppy disk, along with other components were developed for the Apple II. It is difficult to overstate the technical revolution invoked by the floppy disk, allowing for convenient memory storage that was portable (Levy 259).
  • Apple II is Released

    Apple II is Released
    Wozkiak works with Steve Jobs to release the Apple II computer, the first personal computer to appeal to non-hobbyist users. The project was financed by selling Jobs' vehicle and Wozniak's programmable calculator (BritannicaLink Text).
  • Steve almost calls the Pope.

    Steve almost calls the Pope.
    Steve was a big prankster, he would use his ability to hack into hardware to invent a "blue box" that allowed him to make long distance calls. He pretend to be Henry Kissinger to call the Pope and almost reached his goal. Ultimately, his plan was thwarted because "someone at the Vatican caught on" (Levy, 251).
  • Apple Goes Public

    The company goes public and market value exceeds $1 Billion, making Wozniak a millionaire. (Britannica)
  • Airplane Crash causes temporary traumatic amnesia.

    Airplane Crash causes temporary traumatic amnesia.
    Wozniak was involved in an Airplane crash that resulted in temporary traumatic amnesia, this means that Wozniak was unable to form new long-term-memories.
  • Steve Recovers from Traumatic Amnesia and Returns to Apple

    After overcoming temporary traumatic amnesia, Wozniak returned to Apple (Britannica).
  • Steve Retires from Apple and Gets the National Medal of Technology

    Steve Retires from Apple and Gets the National Medal of Technology
    Steve retired from the company in 1985 after being awarded the National Medal of Technology by President Ronal Reagan. (Britannica)
  • Wozniak returns to school

    Wozniak returns to school
    Wozniak returns to Berkeley (under a pseudonym: "Rocky Clark") to finish his computer science and electrical engineering courses. He drops out but is eventually granted credit because of his work at Apple. (Britannica)
  • Steve Publishes his Autobiography

    Steve Publishes his Autobiography
    In 2006 Wozniak published his autobiography, iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It (Britannica).
  • Steve Continues to Design Solid State Storage Devices

    Steve Continues to Design Solid State Storage Devices
    In 2009, Steve began to work for Fusion-Io, where he became a Chief Scientist and researcher. (Britannica). The Company was sold to SanDisk in 2014.
  • Steve Joins Primary Data

    Steve Joins Primary Data
    Steve left Fusion-Io to become a Chief scientist at Primary Data, where he would research Data Virtualization. Primary Data shut down in 2018.(Britannica)
  • Woz U is founded.

    Woz U is founded.
    In October 2017, Steve co-founded Woz U, a platform to teach software engineering. About