Steve Wozniak was born on August 11, 1950. (Britannica, 2016) -
Kimmel, Leigh Husband. "Steve Wozniak." Great Lives from History: Inventors and Inventions, edited by Alvin K. Benson, Salem Press, 2009. Credo Reference, http://ezproxy2.library.arizona.edu/login?url=http://literati.credoreference.com/content/entry/salemglii/steve_wozniak/0. Accessed 10 Oct. 2016. "Steve Wozniak." Britannica Academic, Encyclopædia Britannica, 18 Nov. 2016.academic.eb.com.ezproxy1.library.arizona.edu/levels/collegiate/article/443701. Accessed 10 Oct. 2016. -
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Attended University of Colorado Boulder.
Steve Wozniak attended the University of Colorado Boulder for one year before dropping out. (Britannica, 2016) -
Created Blue Box
In 1971, Wozniak designed the "Blue Box", which was a machine used to hack into telephone networks in order not to pay for long distance calls. (Britannica, 2016) -
Wozniak began working with Hewlett-Packard in early 1975. (Britannica, 2016) -
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Internship at GTE Sylvania
During high-school Steve Wozniak worked at GTE Sylvania and was able to work on the IBM 1130, which was his first experience with a real computer terminal. (Kimmel, 2009) -
Apple I Creation
On February 11th, 1976 Steve Wozniak created the Apple I. The first computer that Apple had created. (Britannica, 2016) -
Founded Apple
On April 1, 1976 Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs cofounded Apple Computers. (Britannica, 2016) -
Apple II Released
The Apple II, Apple's first mass produced personal computer was released during June of 1977. (Britannica, 2016) -
Apple goes Public
On December 12, 1980 Apple's stock went public. It generated more capital than any other company since Ford went public in 1956. By the end of the day Apple's market value was worth over 1.75 billion USD. (Britannica, 2016) -
Airplane Crash
Wozniak crashes his personal airplane and has traumatic amnesia for a short period of time. (Britannica, 2016) -
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CL-9 was a company that Steve Wozniak started and ran from 1985-1988. It focused on reprogrammable remotes. (Kimmel, 2009) -
CL-9 Core
The company Wozniak created, CL-9, created the first ever programmable remote control in 1987. (Kimmel, 2009) -
Left Apple
On February 6, 1987 Steve Wozniak retired from Apple and continued with his own personal endeavors. (Britannica, 2016) -
Wheels of Zeus (WoZ)
During 2002, Wozniak formed a start up called Wheels of Zeus. This start up was based on a GPS tag for keeping track of things. (Britannica, 2016) -
Wheels of Zeus Shut Down
In March of 2006, Steve Wozniak's start up, Wheels of Zeus, shut down. (Britannica, 2016)