Born in San Jose, California -
Graduated Highschool
Homestead High School
Cupertino, California Gold, Rebecca. Steve Wozniak: A Wizard Called Woz. Lerner, 1994. -
Expelled form the University of Colorado Boulder CU Independent. CU breeds success: A look at famous alumni. CU Independent, 2007. -
Cream Soda
Wozniak builds his first computer with Bill Fernandez Linzmayer, Owen. Apple Confidential 2.0 : The Definitive History of the World's Most Colorful Company. No Starch Press, 2004. -
Steve Jobs
Steve Wozniak is introduced to Steve Jobs. Moon, Peter. Three Minutes With Steve Wozniak. ABC News, 2007. -
Blue Boxes
Built blue boxes that Steve Jobs sold Isaacson, Walter. Steve Jobs. Simon and Schuster, 2011. -
Created a circuit board that used 50 chips for Atari. Wozniak, Steven and Gina Smith. iWoz. W. W. Norton, 2006. -
Apple I (Start)
Design and development begins Steidler-Dennison, Tony. Mac for Linux Geeks. Apress, 2009. -
Apple I (Released)
Apple I is released Caryl-Sue. APRIL 11 1976: APPLE RELEASES ITS FIRST COMPUTER. National Geographic, 2016. -
Apple II
Apple II is introduced, with color graphics. Wozniak, Steven and Gina Smith. iWoz. W. W. Norton, 2006. -
Disk II
Wozniak's floppy disk drive, Disk II, was released. -
Apple goes public -
Wozniak's plane crashed Tirrell, Rick. The wisdom of resilience builders: how our best leaders create the world's most enduring enterprises. AuthorHouse, 2009. -
Apple (again)
Wozniak leaves apple Rice, Valerie. Unrecognized Apple II Employees Exit. InfoWorld, 1985. -
Wozniak completes his Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences degree at UC Berkeley.