Steve Wozniak

  • Birth

    Born on August 11 in San Jose, California, to Francis Wozniak and Margaret Wozniak.
  • Graduates

    Graduates from Homestead High School in Cupertino, California, where he develops a passion for electronics and engineering.
  • Enrolls

    Enrolls at the University of California, Berkeley, but drops out after one semester
  • Attends Hewlet

    Attends the Hewlett-Packard (HP) Homebrew Computer Club, where he meets other tech enthusiasts and gains insights into computer design.
  • Co funds apple

    Co-founds Apple Computer, Inc. with Steve Jobs, launching the Apple I computer. Wozniak designs the hardware and software for the Apple I.
  • Apple 2

    Releases the Apple II, which becomes a groundbreaking success in the personal computer market due to its color graphics
  • Apple goes public

    Apple goes public, making Wozniak a millionaire. He continues to innovate but begins to step back from day-to-day operations.
  • Leaves apple

    Leaves Apple after a series of conflicts with management, but remains a shareholder.
  • Co funds CL9

    Co-founds CL9 which creates the first programmable remote control, showcasing his ongoing commitment to innovation.
  • Put into Hall of Fame

    Inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for his contributions to personal computing and technology.