Fat guy from apple

Steve Wozniak

By mjbond
  • Jobs and Wozniak formed Apple Computer

  • the Beechcraft Bonanza A36TC Wozniak was piloting crashed soon after takeoff from the Sky Park Airport in Scotts Valley, California

  • Earned an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

  • Wozniak permanently ended his full-time employment with Apple, 12 years after having created the company

  • Wozniak founded a new venture called CL 9, which developed and brought the first programmable universal remote control to market in 1987, Right after he confirmed he was going to Retire from apple

  • Married to Laurene Powell, nine years his junior.

  • Apple bought NeXT for $402 million, where Jobs returned to the company he founded as interim CEO.

  • At Macworld Jobs became the full CEO of Apple Computers

  • Wozniak founded Wheels of Zeus (WoZ), to create wireless GPS technology to "help everyday people find everyday things.

  • he joined the Board of Directors of Ripcord Networks, Inc., joining Ellen Hancock, Gil Amelio, Mike Connor, and Wheels of Zeus co-founder Alex Fielding, all Apple alumni, in a new telecommunications venture.

  • Wozniak attended the FIRST National Competition in Atlanta to show off Lego robots.[20] In 2010, he attended another FIRST event, a regional event in downtown Phoenix Arizona at the Arizona State Fairgrounds. In 2012, he attended and was a judge at anothe

  • Released book iWoz his autobiography

  • Apple released iPhone and iTV. After running the company for 30 years, renamed Apple computers to Apple Inc.

  • Steve Wozniak joined Fusion-io, a data storage and server company, in Salt Lake City, Utah as their chief scientist.

  • Steve Wozniak gave a speech at the Science & Technology Summit at the World Forum Convention Center in The Hague in which he predicted that Android would be dominant over the iPhone market-wise but the iPhone would retain the quality edge.

  • Wozniak joined members of Fusion-io’s management team to celebrate the company’s first day of trading on the NYSE by ringing The Opening Bell.

  • Steve Wozniak talked at the "WOZ Live" event at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre, Australia