Steven Paul was born in San Francisco, the son of Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Schieble. He is quickly adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs -
Moving Day
The Jobs family moves from San Francisco to Mountain View, a suburban town in Santa Clara county, more famous under the name Silicon Valley -
Steve spends the fall semester at Reed College, Oregon, then drops out. He will stay on campus and attend the classes that interest him for a while, then move to a hippie commune -
Steve's ex-girlfriend Chris-Ann Brennan gives birth to their daugher Lisa. Steve refuses to acknowledge he is the father -
Lisa Computer
Launch of the Lisa computer. The Lisa team later merges with the Mac team under Steve Jobs's leadership -
Birthday Party
Steve Jobs celebrates his 30th birthday in great fanfare, with Ella Fitzgerald as guest singer for the night -
Pixar unveils John Lasseter’s short film Luxo Jr. at SIGGRAPH. It is praised by the expert audience as one of the first computer-animated work of art -
Macworld Speaking
Steve Jobs announces he will not speak at Macworld 2009 because of his health, and takes a six-month medical leave of absence -
Steve Jobs dies form cancer -
Black Wednesday: 50 Apple employees laid off by CEO Mike Scott without notice. The board asks him to leave shortly afterwards. Mike Markkula becomes interim CEO