Steve Jobs

By ldaly
  • Born

  • Family moves

    family adopts sister Patty and moves to Mountain View California
  • Enters 4th grade

    Has teacher Mrs. Imogene "Teddy" Hills who he describes as a saint in his life
  • Moves to Los Altos, California

    Steve requests a better school and the family moves.
  • Steve meets Steve

    Meets Steve Wozniac "Woz", . starts high school at Homestead High, favorite publication (Whole Earth Catalog) debuts- encourage readers to embrace coming world of computers
  • Enters College

    he enters Reed College in Portland, Oregon, soon drops out but attends class of choice like calligraphy
  • Returns home

    Returns home and works at new video game Atari
  • Creates new company

    Steve and Woz decide to create their own computer company. Steve suggests the name Apple
  • Partners in Apple

    21 yr old Steve, 26 yr old Woz, and 41 yr old Ron Wayne sign agreement making them partners in Apple Computers (Ron afraid he would lose money dropped out 11 days later)
  • Apple Moves

    moves from Steve's family room to his garage, Steve hand delivers first 50 Apple computers to Paul Terrell's Byte Shop in Mountain View -all produced in 30 days ,
  • Another move

    Apple moves into rented space in Cupertino, California
  • Apple Logo created

    Steve meets art director Rob Janoff, who designs a 6 colored Apple Logo the has a bite (byte) taken out of it
  • Apple II

    Apple II computer proves to be a huge hit when they go on display in San Francisco West Coast Computer Faire
  • Apple goes Public

    Apple computer becomes public company and shares can be purchased for $20.
  • Mac goes to Superbowl

    Steve introduces Apple Macintosh, airing on Superbowl Sunday and goes on to win advertising awards
  • Steve exiled

    Steve is exiled from Apple and resigns, starts new company and names it NeXT with software that he calls NeXTSTEP
  • Pixar

    Steve buys Pixar. Their image computers create innovative animation.
  • A new Family

    Steve learns of and meets biological mother and sister
  • World Wide Web (www.)

    Tim Berners-Lee uses NeXT computer and its software to create the World Wide Web, known as the Internet
  • Married

    Steve marries Laurene Powell
  • Sale of NeXT

    Steve agrees to sell NeXT software to Apple and shortly after, becomes head of Apple
  • Think Different

    Steve commissions Lee Clow of Chiat/Day to create television commercial to reintroduce Apple computer, "Think Different" is the result, ad wins countless awards, including an Emmy
  • iMac

    Introduces the iMac computer
  • iPod

    introduces iPod
  • iTunes

    introduces the iTunes store
  • Cancer

    Steve is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
  • iPod mini

    introduces iPod mini
  • Mac mini and Ipod Shuffle

    introduces Mac mini and the iPod Shuffle
  • Speech

    Steve delivers a now famous Commencement address to the graduates of Stanford University
  • iPhone

    introduces iPhone
  • iPad

    introduces iPad
  • He Dies

    Steve dies at home in Los Altos, California