Steve jobs ( co founder of apple)

Steve jobs

  • Birth date

    Birth date
    Steve Jobs was Born in San Francisco. His unwed biological parents, Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali, put him up for adoption, and was quickly adopted by Paul and Clara jobs.
  • Santa Clara country

    Santa Clara country
    Steve Job's family moved from San Francisco to a suburban town in Santa Clara county, more famous under the name Silicon Valley. Santa Clara country is more famous than Silicon valley because of the economic growth and the computer revolution in Santa Clara before Silicon valley moved in.
  • Apple inc.

    Apple inc.
    Apple inc. was organized by Steve jobs, Steve Woz and Ron Wayne
  • HP job

    HP job
    Steve jobs first summer job was in a HP factory
  • Steve wozniak

    Steve wozniak
    Steve jobs and Steve Wozniak became friends and shared the love of technology and pranks
  • Apple I Keyboard

    Apple I Keyboard
    Steve jobs and Steve Woz created the first Apple I Keybroad and showed it to the Home brew computer club
  • Marriage

    Steve Jobs marries Laurene Powell in Yosemite under the blessing of Steve's old zen guru Kobin Chino. Laurene powell was pregnant when she and Steve got married.
  • First daughter

    First daughter
    Laurene and Steve's youngest daughter, was born and she was called Eve Jobs
  • Future Technology

    Future Technology
    I thought why not talk about the future of apple's product since Steve Job's and two other important friends organized apple. I think that the future of apple will be very successful and also invent new and unique technology. But Apple. inc might also have a competition with Samsung or Android.