Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California
Jobs graduates from Homestead High School
Registers at Reed College, Portland, Oregon, and drops out after one semester.
Jobs works for video game maker Atari
Apple Computer Inc. is incorporated by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne
Apple Computer is formed on April Fool's Day for $666.66.
He founds Next Inc. to develop computer hardware and software.
Steve leaves Apple due to disagreements with management.
Steve Jobs Bought Pixar from George Lucas
He is named interim CEO of Apple
Steve becomes pernmanet CEO of Apple
Steve Jobs anounces the Itunes Music Store
Undergoes surgery to remove a tumor related to the cancer
Jobs undergoes surgery for a curable form of pancreatic cancer.
Apple releases its first smartphone, the iPhone.
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Jobs introduces the iPad.
Jobs takes another medical leave of absence.
Apple announces that Jobs is resigning as CEO.
Steve Jobs dies at home at age 56