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Steve Jobs

By JM4490
  • Steve Paul Jobs is born

    Steven Paul was born in San Francisco, the son of Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Schieble. He is quickly adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs.
  • The start of partnership between Woz and Jobs

    Steve and Woz build and illegally sell 'blue boxes' that let one make phone calls for free.
  • Steve legally starts his career

    Steve gets his first job at video game maker Atari, and later makes a trip to India to 'seek enlightenment' with his college friend Dan Kottke.
  • The showing off of the Apple 1

    Steve Jobs and Woz show off the Apple I at the Personal Computing Festival in Atlantic City, with help from Dan Kottke.
  • Steve and Woz show off the Apple 1

    Woz and Steve show off the early Apple I board at the Homebrew Computer Club.
  • Assembling of the Apple 1 is started

    Steve and Woz start assembling Apple I computers in the Jobses' garage, and sell them to computer hobbyists, including 50 for the Byte Shop.
  • Apple is born

    Apple Computer Inc. is incorporated by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne.
  • The Iphone is released

    The Iphone is released
    iPhone is released in the US, the same day as Pixar's 8th feature film, Ratatouille.
  • Introduction of the Macbook air

    Introduction of the Macbook air
    At Macworld 2008, Steve Jobs introduces MacBook Air, with the tagline 'the world's thinnest notebook'. Three years later, it will come to redefine all of Apple's notebook product line.
  • The passing away of Steve Jobs

    Steve passes away at the age of 56 years old.