Steve Jobs Birth
Early LifeHe was born in San Francisco, California, United States. He was adopted. The reason he was adopted was because his birth mother was pregant and her father didn't allow her to marry jobs father. Thats when steve jobs was put up for adoption. His adopted parents were Clara Jobs and Paul Jobs. -
First Job, Atari.
First Job at AtariThe first company that Steve worked at was Atari Inc. He was a technician at the company. Not specified date. -
Going to India
After Steve got the job at Atari he went on a trip to India to 'seek enlightenment' with his college friend Dan Kottke. India
Dan Kottke -
Starting of the Apple Computer business
Wozniak made the Apple I. He told Steve to be his partner in the starting of a new business. They started this business in Steve's garage that became their Apple headquarters -
Resigned From Apple
Resigning from AppleJobs was fired from apple because he was turning into a work maniac that causes problems in the Apple business. John Sculley and Jobs had a clash with working together. Jobs tried to make a board meeting to try and fire him as CEO. The board of directers sided with Sculley instead of Jobs which resulted in taking away his dutys. -
Bought Pixar
Steve Jobs bought Pixar for 10 Million dollars because it had computer graphics involved and that is Jobs hobbie. He bought it and became the excecutive producer. Jobs first movie that he was an executive producer for was Toy Story 1. Date Unknown -
Jobs Founding NeXT Computer
NeXT ComputerAfter Jobs resigned from Apple he had come up with an idea and made the NeXT Computer. The NeXT Computer more advanced than Apple at the time but didn't sell as much as Apple. It was a workstation type of computer. The NeXT Computer was a successful company but it was time consuming and could of made more money then it did. -
Meeting Lauren Steve Jobs Wife
Steve Jobs met Lauren at Stanford Business School while someone was giving out a lecture. Lauren didn't have a seat and sat in the aisle and she was told to leave. Lauren took one of the reserved seats and Steve took the other one. Steve asked her out that day for dinner and they've been together ever since. -
Steve Jobs Wedding With Laurene Powell
Steve Jobs married Laurene 2 years after he met her. They got married at Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park. Jobs and Laurene's marrage was very successful. -
Steve Jobs 1st kid
Steve Jobs first kid was named Reed Jobs. He is currently 23 years old. -
Steve Job's 2nd Kid
Jobs second newborn was a girl. Her name is Erin Jobs, She is currently 19 years old. Day Not Specified -
Returning to Apple (I'm back baby)
Jobs was working with NeXT Computers and Apple suddenly showed up and wanted to buy the company for 427 Million dollars. Jobs turning back over to Apple and became an interim for CEO 5 months later. In 2000 it became official he was an actual CEO. Date Not Specified -
Jobs 3rd Kid
Jobs last child was a girl. She was named Eve Jobs. She is currently 17 years old. Month and Day not specified -
Steve Jobs illness
Steve Jobs was diagnosed with cancer in the year 2003. A year later in mid 2004 he told his employees that he had a cancerous tumor in his pancreas. Day Not Specified -
Steve Jobs Death
Steve Jobs died Jobs died at his Palo Alto, California, home around 3 p.m. due to complications from a relapse of his previously treated islet-cell neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer, resulting in respiratory arrest. His family was present at the time when he died. He was 56 when he died.