Steve jobs

Steve Jobs

  • was born

    was born
    Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco (California ) on1955. he born of the relation between Abdulfattah Jandali , a Syrian immigrant Muslim and Joanne Carole Schieble
  • adoptation

    Paul and Clara Jobs adopted Stiv In this new family Steve grew up with his other sister , Patty
  • traslation

    In 1961 the family moved to Mountain View because his father's work muved
  • first computer

    first computer
    in 1967 he looked his first computer
  • universiti

    In 1972 enters in the University ,Reed College,on Portland
    before pas his stadis of primari and scundari
  • founded apple

    founded apple
    He founded Apple in with: Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. But he's the most famous.
  • his ferts creation

    his ferts creation
    Introduced with great expectations , the Apple Macintosh , the first personal computer with mouse
  • founded PIXAR

    founded PIXAR
    In 1986 Steve Jobs funded Pixar.
  • I phone

    I phone
    Steve Jobs create a revolucionry phone
  • died

    In 2011 steve Jobs died for a igado's cancer. He died when he was 56
  • Iphone's presentation (2007)

    Iphone's presentation (2007)