Steve Jobs was born
He was born in San Francisco. -
Lost Interview Cont. Part 2
Jobs believes that he has changed the technology world due to his creations. Steve Jobs stated, "Well the Apple II was the world's first successful personal computer"(Jobs,“Steve Jobs Lost Interview”). It can be implied that Jobs was proud of his accomplishment since he called it the most successful. -
Lost Interview Cont. Part 1
Jobs expressed, "...a computer has always been a bicycle of the mind. Something that takes us far beyond our inherent abilities"(Jobs, “Steve Jobs Lost Interview”). This part of the interview shows us that Steve really payed attention to what he read and applied it in other situations later on in his life. Additionally it can be implied that Jobs was a man that cared about making humans lives easier and more efficient by not giving up on his ideas (Jobs, “Steve Jobs Lost Interview). -
Lost Interview
Steve Jobs was asked multiple questions during an interview. The interview expressed Steve's ideas and thoughts in a prepared manner. Steve Jobs was asked what was so interesting about the machine he created, meaning the Macintosh personal computer he created. His response included an experience from the past that impacted his decision on making the computer. He read an article that measured efficiency of locomotion for all species on earth which made him think and later -
Television Program Cont. Part 2
Additionally, it can be inferred that Jobs had accomplished one of his goals of becoming well known which he did after he released of Apple 2. It also shows that he did not give up after the Apple 2 being released and he kept working on other products which shows he is determined and hard working to get better. -
Television Program
Steve Jobs was apart of a television program which included many people who made an impact in the technology world. In the interview it was mentioned that Steve jobs cofounded Apple computer in 1976 and his personal computer is what made him well known. Furthermore throughout the interview Jobs mentioned he was invited to Xerox Parc where he learned about new systems in technology that fascinated him. -
Television Program Cont. Part 1
He came to a conclusion that what he saw at Xerox Parc were brilliant ideas but the were not complete but he thought they needed to be (Jobs, “The Television Program”). This transcript of the show does a nice job of showing that Steve Jobs was open to new ideas, meaning he communicated with others and listened to their ideas which he later incorporated into his own work. -
Celebrities help at Company Events Picture Link
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Celebrities helped at Company Events Cont.
In the photo it can be implied that the celebrities are being used as a form of advertisement of Steve Jobs' new product, the iPod, which would help his company grow. Also according to the picture it can be implied that Steve is proud of his work since he is smiling and showing off the logo. -
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Celebrities helped at Company Events
Apple company went from being nothing to a huge company in just six years. The company started making serious amounts of money. From 2003 to 2006 the money per share made a enormous jump. Jobs had celebrities like U2 and John Mayer help out at company events, both of the celebrities are pictured in the picture (Weinberger). -
Speech at Stanford University Cont. Part 2
According to his stories he seems like he had an opinion of his own and would do what he believed was right even if there were consequences, he followed his dreams basically and lived by that. Additionally it can be inferred that Jobs was a hard worker since he was able to turn his small garage into a multi million company. -
Speech at Stanford University
Steve Jobs during his speech at Stanford University chose to share three stories in his life that impacted him the most. He mentioned that he never graduate college which he dropped out after six months. He was adopted and neither of his parents went to college which made his birth mom question signing the papers. He also mentioned that Apple company started in his garage with just one friend. -
Speech at Stanford University Cont. Part 1
Lastly he mentioned that he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and the doctors only gave him a couple months to live. He ended up beating the cancer back then which was told to be impossible (Jobs, "How to live before you die"). This video showed how Jobs did not mind getting personal with his audience since he shared all those stories, which it seemed like he wanted people to get inspired to. -
First iPhone Keynote
Steve Jobs presented his newest invention on this which was the iPhone. The iPhone was a smart phone with many things as Jobs stated himself, "An iPod, a phone, and an Internet communicator. An iPod, a phone … Are you getting it?" His goal was to create a smart phone that was easy to use with many new options on it. He also believes that he changed technology based on his inventions (Jobs, "iPhone Keynote"). -
First iPhone Keynote Cont. Part 2
Jobs realized this product made his career a success since it was so much different than everything else on the market showing he was confident in himself. -
First iPhone Keynote cont. Part 1
In the Keynote the audience can infer that Jobs is a little humorous since the way he chose to introduce his product, which was by repeating that same thing over and over. It can also be inferred that he is very proud of his accomplishment since he believes he changed technology. Also it can be inferred that he is very intelligent since he was able to create a product like that which is still used today. -
Steve Jobs passed away
He lived for 56 years