Steve Jobs

By bh4042
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs is born on February 24th, in San Francisco California.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs meets future Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve graduates from Homestead High School in Cupertino, California, and enrolls at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, only to drop out a semester later.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Co-founded Apple Computer with Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. That same year, the company sells the Apple I in the form of a kit that sells for $666.66.
  • Steve Jobs

    The Apple II is released, the first commercially available personal computer in a plastic case with color graphics.
  • Steve Jobs

    Apple goes public, putting Jobs' net worth north of $200 million.
  • Steve Jobs

    Jobs resigns as Apple's Chairman, Jobs starts NeXT Computer (which later becomes NeXT Software), funded by selling $70 million of his Apple stock.
  • Steve Jobs

    Jobs becomes Pixar's president and CEO. Later in the year, Jobs brings Pixar public, one week after the release of "Toy Story," with Tom Hanks doing the voice of Woody and Tim Allen as Buzz Lightyear. The film earns $192 million at the box office.
  • Steve Jobs

    Drops "Computer" from Apple's name. Introduces the iPhone. Apple owns 19.1 percent of the smartphone market as of August 2011.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs dies of respiratory arrest related to his pancreatic cancer.