birth date
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, on February 24, 1955 -
The Jobs family moves from San Francisco to Mountain View, a suburban town in Santa Clara county, more famous under the name Silicon Valley
Steve and Woz build and illegally sell 'blue boxes' that allow to make phone calls for free
Apple Computer Inc. is incorporated by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne
Steve Jobs introduces Apple's revolutionary iMac at the Flint Center auditorium in Cupertino, 14 years after he had introduced the Macintosh at that same place
Phone is released in the US, the same day as Pixar’s 8th feature film, Ratatouille
Back at Apple, Steve Jobs makes the first public appearance after his transplant to introduce new iPods at the 'It's Only Rock'N'Roll' event
After months of wild rumors, Steve Jobs unveils iPad, 'the biggest thing Apple's ever done'. The tablet runs the same operating system as iPhone
One month after the release of the new iPhone 4, Steve Jobs holds a press conference to address the smartphone's supposed reception issues,
Despite his medical leave, Steve Jobs takes the stage to unveil the new iPad 2
Steve Jobs dies at home, surrounded by his famil