steve jobs

  • birth date

    birth date
    Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, on February 24, 1955
  • The Jobs family moves from San Francisco to Mountain View, a suburban town in Santa Clara county, more famous under the name Silicon Valley

  • Steve and Woz build and illegally sell 'blue boxes' that allow to make phone calls for free

  • Apple Computer Inc. is incorporated by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne

  • Steve Jobs introduces Apple's revolutionary iMac at the Flint Center auditorium in Cupertino, 14 years after he had introduced the Macintosh at that same place

  • Phone is released in the US, the same day as Pixar’s 8th feature film, Ratatouille

  • Back at Apple, Steve Jobs makes the first public appearance after his transplant to introduce new iPods at the 'It's Only Rock'N'Roll' event

  • After months of wild rumors, Steve Jobs unveils iPad, 'the biggest thing Apple's ever done'. The tablet runs the same operating system as iPhone

  • One month after the release of the new iPhone 4, Steve Jobs holds a press conference to address the smartphone's supposed reception issues,

  • Despite his medical leave, Steve Jobs takes the stage to unveil the new iPad 2

  • Steve Jobs dies at home, surrounded by his famil