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Steve Jobs

By KaelJJ9
  • College

    Steve Jobs went to Reed College. The college was an expensive litberal arts college in Oregon. Steve then dropped out and found a job at the company Atari. He then used this money to seek enlightenment in India with a friend. When he came back he reconnected with Steve Wozniak.
  • First Apple Computer

    First Apple Computer
    The first apple computer was released on April 11, 1976. It was designed and built by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs and called the Apple 1. The computer was funded by them selling Wozniak's scientific calculator and Job's Volkswagen bus. They worked in Steve Job's parent's house. The computers were first listed at $666.66. The Apple 1 made around $774,000 for their company.
  • Second Apple Computer

    Second Apple Computer
    The second apple computer called the Apple 2 was a great improvement from the Apple 1. This computer supported color graphics. Their work was funded by Mike Markkulak, who Steve Jobs had convinced to invest $250,000. The computer Increased Steve Job's net worth to $200 million who was just 25 years old. The Apple 2 hit a major surge in sales came from the development of VisciCalc. VisiCalc was the first successful spreadsheet program.
  • Macintosh

    After being thrown out of the Lisa project Steve Jobs joined and became the head of Macintosh. Macintosh was an easy to use personal computer that was cheap. John Sculley, the CEO of Apple at the time, supported Steve's mission. The product did well at first, but its sales eventually plummeted.
  • NeXT

    NeXT was a company founded by Steve Jobs that built computers. To found this company he sold his Apple shares. Their first product, the NeXT cube, costed $10,000. It's sales were extremely low; selling only in the hundreds per month becuase universities were only willing to pay $3000 for a computer. The company's main benefactor and co-founders left and was forced to become a niche software company.
  • Pixar

    Steve Jobs bought a small group of computer scientists from theLucasfilm empire. At first pixar worked on high end computer graphics, but this was barely getting them the money they needed to work. Pixar then became a software company and then signed with Disney to make a computer animated movie. This movie was Toy Story and was a huge success. Steve Jobs, who owned 80% of the company, had his net worth increased to $1.5 billion.
  • Back to Apple

    Back to Apple
    After learning Apple was on the verge of collapse, new CEO Gilbert Amelio bought Steve Job's company NEXTSTEP for $400. Apples board of directors then made Steve the new CEO after Amelio lost the company $700 million. He then got to work by symplifying the company's product line. Steve Jobs then turned the company around by releasing the IMac. The IMac was a moderately priced high speed computer.
  • The iPod

    The iPod
    Steve Jobs released the iPod in July of 2002 at Macworld New York. The iPod is a portable MP3 player that was the most popular way to listen to music at the time. At first the iPod struggled with music piracy, the illegal downloading of music. Steve Jobs saw an opportunity here and Apple released iTunes. iTunes helped to raise the sales of the iPod.
  • iPhone

    Considered by most the biggest achievement Steve Jobs had, on January 9, 2007 Apple released the iPhone. The iPhone was the beginning of the revolutionary touch screen. Originally priced at $399, their were 6 million iPhones sold. It could access the internet and play videos and music.
  • Death

    Steve Jobs lived a very successful life. For 10 years he had battled pancreatic cancer, but on October 5, 2011 he passed away. He was only 56 years old. Steve Job's last words were "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow."