Stephen Paul Jobs is Born
Born to Joanne Carole Schieble and Abdulfattah "John" Jandal. Later adopted by Paul Reinhold Jobs and Clara Jobs. -
Jobs Enrolls in Reed College and Drops out after a semester
Would later stay and drop in on classes for the next 18 months while sleeping in friends rooms. -
Apple Computers is founded
With Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne -
Apple II is Introduced
It is the first personal computer to generate color graphics. Revenue reaches $1 million. -
Steve's ex-girlfriend Chris-Ann Brennan gives birth to their daugher Lisa.
Steve refuses to acknowledge he is the father -
Apple launches the Apple III
Is a disastrous flop -
Apple goes public, increasing Steve Jobs' net worth
Increasing Steve Jobs' net worth from dozens of millions of dollars to over $200 million -
Steve Jobs resigns from Apple and starts NeXT
Apple announces it will sue NeXT. The company creates high end computers for companies and universities. -
Jobs buys the computer division of George Lucas for $10 million Pixar
Steve Jobs marries Laurene Powell in Yosemite
She is already pregnant with Steve's child. -
Jobs becomes President & CEO of Pixar Animation Studios
When Pixar goes public it raised his net worth to 1.5 billion -
Jobs returns to Apple as the interim CEO
Apple releases the IMAC
Its sales allow apple to become profitable again. -
ITUNE Music Store is released
iTunes Music Store with 200,000 songs. It sells 1 million songs in the first week. -
Jobs undergoes surgery for pancreatic cancer.
Jobs undergoes surgery for a rare but curable form of pancreatic cancer. Apple discloses his illness after the fact. -
Apple Releases the IPHONE
Jobs resigns as Apple CEO and become chairman
Steve Jobs Dies