Steve Jobs - 2011

  • Birth of Steve Jobs

    Birth of Steve Jobs
    Steven Paul was born in San Francisco, the son of Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Schieble. He is quickly adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs
  • Apple was founded

    Apple was founded
    Apple inc. was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
  • Lisa (steves daughter)

    Lisa (steves daughter)
    Steve's ex-girlfriend Chris-Ann Brennan gives birth to their daugher Lisa. Steve refuses to acknowledge he is the father

    Jobs buys the computer division of George Lucas' ILM for $10 million and incorporates it as Pixar
  • Lauren Powell

    Lauren Powell
    Steve Jobs marries Laurene Powell
  • Disney's largest shareholder

    Disney's largest shareholder
    Steve Jobs became Disney's largest shareholder when the company bought Pixar in 2006.
  • Iphone

    Steve Jobs introduces iPhone and its revolutionary touch-screen interface
  • California Hall of Fame

    California Hall of Fame
    Steve Jobs is inducted in the California Hall of Fame by Gov. Schwartzenegger
  • Medical Leave

    Medical Leave
    Jobs surprises the world by announcing his new medical leave of absence, without any end date
  • Steve Jobs dies

    Steve Jobs dies
    Steve Jobs dies at home, surrounded by his family
  • Steve Jobs Book (Biography)

    Steve Jobs Book (Biography)
    Steve Jobs the book was published November 21,2011. The life of Steve Jobs was told in this book written by Walter Isaacson.