Steve jobs appe1

Steve Jobs - 2011

  • Release of the Apple I

    Release of the Apple I
    The Apple I computer is released.
  • Apple Inc. is officially created.

    Apple Inc. is officially created.
  • Apple enters the Forbes Fortune 500 at spot #411.

    Apple enters the Forbes Fortune 500 at spot #411.
    The first company in American history to enter the Fortune 500 in under five years.
  • Apple's "1984" commercial for Macintosh

    Apple's "1984" commercial for Macintosh
  • Steve Jobs leaves Apple to begin a new company.

    Steve Jobs leaves Apple to begin a new company.
  • Steve Jobs buys Pixar

    Steve Jobs buys Pixar
  • Apple buys Jobs's new company, returning him to his former company.

    Apple buys Jobs's new company, returning him to his former company.
  • Steve Jobs has surgery for pancreatic cancer.

    Steve Jobs has surgery for pancreatic cancer.
  • Disney buys Pixar.

    Disney buys Pixar.
    Through Disney's acquisition of Pixar, Jobs is put on Disney's board.
  • Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple.

    Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple.
    However, per his request, he was named the head of Apple's Board of Directors.