Birth,Chikdhood, Education
Feb. 24, 1957, Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco. He was given up for adoption and taken in as an infant by Clara and Paul Jobs. Jobs and his father tinkered with electronics, sparking his interest. While Jobs was absolutely brilliant, he rebelliously refused to study, still testing miles above his classmates. Jobs atteneded Reed College for six months before dropping out and wandering the campus, dropping in on whatever class he so pleased. -
Macintosh 1 Released
Just two days earlier, Macintosh aired a commercial claiming that thier computer to be realeased two days later would change the way 1984 was described forever. The computer was desinged almost exclusively by Jobs and for a debut product into a highly competitive market, was a huge sucess, -
"Think Different"
Apple adopted the slogan," Think different." supporting the "hipster" aura around the Mac. There was no arguement to be had that Mac was more popular, so in an atttempt to balance the scales by appealing to the consumers sense of individuality, Mac ran this "Think Different" ad set. Mac hadn't gained the respect as a viable option for a buisness computer, These sets of ads helped expand the Mac market into coporate America, to be bought in bulk for schools and buisnesses. -
Jobs Commencement Address at Stanford
This speech is widely popular, with over 100 million views spread over multiple re-uploads of the address. Jobs told his story from beginning to end, highlighting some of the lows of his path to greatness, and explaining how he reacted and what he did to rebound. As anyone would, he encouraged the graduates to endlessly pursue their dreams. -
First Model of Macbook Released
There isn't much to say. Macbooks are a top-selling notebook that dominate younger age demographics. Macbooks are the perfect luxury computer that can survive through 4 years of highschool or college. Thats why you see them everywhere. Not to mention the absurding friendly UI. -
First Generation of iPhone Released
That's right the iPhone had to have started somewhere, Thanks Steve Jobs. iPhones are overwhelmingly the most popular and high demand telephone on the market. The original iPhone came with just the touch screen, WiFi capabliliy, and baic data capabilities. -
Jobs' pancreatic cancer returned, claiming his life. The political cartoon portrays Jobs as "Buzz Lightyear" from "Toy Story", a record-breaking animated movie, produced by his own company Pixar. While Jobs time on Earth was cut shorter than most, the progress he made while he was around paved the road for the development of the computer you are reading this on. Jobs' contributions, and the legacy he left behind, have lead the personal computer industry "to infinity and beyond."