
Steve Jobs

  • The Birth

    The Birth
    Steve Paul was born on Feb 24, 1955 and adopted to the Jobs family.
  • Meeting new people.

    Meeting new people.
    Steve Jobs meets Steve Wozniak.
  • The first apple Computer.

    The first apple Computer.
    Steve and his friend Steve invented the first Apple Computer. In his garage.
  • Incorporated.

    Apple Computer Inc. is incorporated by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne.
  • Showing off.

    Steve Jobs and Woz show off the Apple I at the Personal Computing Festival.
  • Forced to leave.

    Mike Markkula invests in Apple and hires Mike Scott as CEO. Woz is forced to leave HP.
  • Magazines!!!!

    Steve ends up on the cover of Time Magazine.
  • PIXAR!(:

    Steve becomes President & CEO of Pixar Animation Studios.
  • Profitable.

    Apple is profitable again.
  • The IMac.

    Steve Jobs introduces Apple's revolutionary iMac.
  • Offically AppleCeo!!!!!(:

    Offically AppleCeo!!!!!(:
    Steve Jobs officially becomes Apple’s CEO and demoes Mac OS X at Macworld.
  • The new ITunes.

    Apple opens the online iTunes Music Store in the US.
  • MAC

    Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger is released. It marks the end of the transition from the Mac OS to OS X.
  • NANO <3

    Steve introduces the iPod nano
  • Apple TV and IPhone.

    Apple TV and IPhone.
    Steve Jobs introduces Apple TV and iPhone at Macworld. Apple Computer becomes Apple Inc.
  • Hall of fame.

    Hall of fame.
    Steve Jobs is inducted in the California Hall of Fame by Gov. Schwartzenegger.
  • Thinnest notebook.

    Thinnest notebook.
    Steve Jobs introduces the world’s thinnest notebook, macbook air
  • Medical

    Steve Jobs takes a medical leave of absence for six months.
  • Sugery

    Steve has surgery for a liver transplant.
  • The IPAD!(:

    The IPAD!(:
    Steve reveals the IPad.
  • We will miss you!!!

    We will miss you!!!
    Steve jobs dies October 5. HE WILL BE MISSED!!!