Steve Jobs

  • Birth

    Steven P. Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California.
  • Steve meets Steve Woziniak.

    Steve meets Steve Woziniak.
  • school

    Steve spends one semester at Reed Collate, Oregon then drops out.
  • Apple I

    Steve and Woz start making Apple I computers in the Jobs’ garage.
  • Apple I

    Steve and Woz show the early Apple I board at the Homebrew Computer club. In April, Apple Computer Inc. is incorporated by Steve Jobs, Steve Woziniak and Ron Wayne.
  • Apple II

    Mike Markkula invests in Apple and Woz is forced to leave. Apple makes a huge sensation at the West Coast Computer Faire with the prototype of the Apple II
  • Apple II

    Apple III is launched and then increases Steve Jobs net worth to over $200 million.
  • Lisa Computer

    The Lisa computer (named after daughter born in 1978) goes on sale but is pulled out 2 years later.
  • NeXT

    Steve quits his job at Apple and says will sue Steve’s new job the NeXT.
  • Pixar

    Job buys a division of ILM for $10 million and incorporates it as Pixar.
  • NeXT

    Ross Perot invests $20 million in NeXT making it worth $ 125 million.
  • NeXT computer

    The first NeXT computer goes on sale.
  • PowerBook

    Apple and IBM Corp. unveil the portable Mac called the PowerBook.
  • Power Macintosh

    Apple shows the Power Macintosh.
  • CEO

    Steve Jobs is CEO at Apple again.
  • iMac Desktop

    Apple comes out with the candy colored iMac desktop.
  • First iPod

    The first iPod comes out and iTunes software is introduced.
  • iTunes

    Apple announces the iTunes music store.
  • Surgery

    Jobs has surgery for his cancer.
  • iPod Nano

    Apple adds the iPod Nano and an iPod that can play videos.
  • Disney

    Jobs join Disney board because Disney buys Pixar for $7.4 billion.
  • iPhone

    The iPhone is released. Jobs is inducted in the California Hall of fame.
  • Transplant

    Steve takes a leave of absence for six months for medical purposes.
    Steve has liver transplant.
  • iPad

    Steve Jobs reveals the iPad. Apple sells 15 million.
  • Death

    Job dies at the age of 56.