Steve Jobs is born in San Francisco to two college graduates and is given off for adoption -
Jobs works at Atari by creating video games -
India Trip
Jobs goes on a trip to India -
First Apple
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak create the first Apple commputer in Jobs' garage -
Next Innovation
The two Steves create the Apple II which displayed a keyboard and colored images -
Steve Jobs daughter, Lisa is born -
Steve Jobs resigned from Apple after being relieved of Mangerial duties for the Macintosh department 5 months earlier -
Jobs finds NeXT Computers -
Jobs buys out George Lucas' graphic division and thus Pixar is born -
The Return
Steve becomes the first Interim Chief Executive of Apple -
Jobs has pancreatic cancer -
Liver Transplant
Steve Jobs gets a liver transplant -
Jobs introduces the iPad and creates much craze and fame over the new tablet which is a guidline for many others -
The Leave
Jobs leaves for medical and health issues -
Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple and is elected to be Chairman of the Board -
The Passing
Apple announces the death of the former CEO, former Chairman and co-founder of Apple