Missouri Compromise
North recieved - california became as free state. The rest of the new land was divided into 2 territories that would decide on the use of slavery. The south recieved a stronger fugitive slave, to catch runaways in the north. SLave trade banned in New mexico territory. Eased sectional tension for a short period of time. -
Mexican War
Mexicans felt as though the united states had stole texas. Which led to the war between america and mexico. Mexico winning an agreeament was made to make all land won free, Whcih bodied the north to disagree with it . The wilmot proviso never passed which would of cuased slavery to expand. -
Wilmot Proviso
Congressman David Wilmot first introduced the Proviso in the United States House of Representatives on August 8, 1846, as a rider on a $2,000,000 appropriations bill intended for the final negotiations to resolve the Mexican–American War (this was only three months into the two-year war). -
California Gold Rush
California gold rush when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California. ... More sophisticated methods of gold recovery were developed and later adopted around the world. Which had the expansion to decrease most likely stay the same. -
Compromise of 1850
Determined the status of the land from the Mexican cession inclding california. Banned slavery in the new mexican territory. Which meand decreasing the imoact of slavery because it was banned therfore the south would have no say so in the land. -
Fugitive Slave Law
Forced northerners to aid slave catchers. Blacks were falsey identified as runaways, denied jury trials, and kidnapped. Which only increased the expansion, the more slaves caught will need more land for planttains. -
Uncle Tom’s Cabin is published
Harriett Beecher wrote uncle toms cabin, a book about "slavery".The book was a grpahic and made slavery look terrible. Northerners reacted who had been indifferent the while time, began to hate slavery. SOuthers banned the book calling it propoganda. THe north amd south became more divided 1/2 over slavery. -
Republican Party Forms
The kansas and-nebraska act caused the repubican party to form. After the missouri compromise was repealed , the midwest was divided into kansas and nebraska territory. Both would decide on wether slavery would be a use there. North was furious , north and south moved to kansas fighitng to control. That causes the republican party to form -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Northerners and south diagreed on where the railroad were to built. Northerners wangted it in the west, southerners wanted it in the south. Political partys split over it which firmed the rupublican party. Had slavery to expand , they were going to juse popular sovereignty. -
“Bleeding Kansas”
Bleeding Kansas is the term used to described the period of violence during the settling of the Kansas territory. In 1854 the Kansas-Nebraksa Act overturned the Missouri Compromise’s use of latitude as the boundary between slave and free territory and instead, using the principle of popular sovereignty, decreed that the residents would determine whether the area became a free state or a slave state. -
Dred Scott vs. Sandford
Dred scott was toldhe was to be free once master died. Sued but didnt win, court stated he was propeerty and not citizen. Which led that slavery could not baned in any western territory. Slavery were to leally be spreaded west. -
John Brown’s Raid at Harper’s Ferry
A white abolitonist who musrdered 5 slave owners. "bleeding kansas", led to 3 of his sonds dying. Angered other slave owners and had him to be hung. It only had slavery to expand. -
Abraham Lincoln elected President
Idea was to preserve the union, , which led to starting the civil war. People of the states did not agree to what he saw, he was against slavery. Replublicans did not want slavery to expand west, he was not an abolitionist , but he also didn't want it to expand, Southerners say he was the enemy. which Caused tons of debates over wheter slavery is to expand or stop -
Battle at Fort Sumter
Fort summer refuses to surrender to south Carolina. Because south Carolina claimes FS belonged to them . Using violence address by Lincoln SC captures fort summer. This caused the civil war to begin. -
Southern states begin to secede
South Carolina was the first to leave the Union and form a new nation called the Confederate States of America. Four months later, six other states seceded. They were Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana. Later Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee joined them. -
Charles Sumner caned in the Senate
Charles Sumner was an American politician and senator from Massachusetts. As an academic lawyer and a powerful orator, Sumner was the leader of the antislavery forces in Massachusetts and a leader of the Radical Republicans in the United States Senate during the American Civil War working to destroy the Confederacy, free all the