Steps onto WW2

By Darqjua
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler had become a powerful figure in German politics offering to rearm and oppose the treaty of Versailles. President Paul Von Hindenburg planned to use Hitler’s and the Nazi’s party popularity in the Reichstag to their advantage and voted Hitler into the Chancellor position thinking they would be able to control him. It was significant because becoming Chancellor was Hitler’s first step into taking control of German Politics.
  • Hitler Announces German withdrawl from the League of Nations

    Hitler Announces German withdrawl from the League of Nations
    Germany, Members of the League of Nations Hitler announces Germany’s withdrawal from the League of Nations, alleging that if the rest of the world is not willing to come down to Germanys level of armament it would not form part of the League.It is significant because it freed Germany to rearm. The resignation didnt worry Britain or France due to them having doubts about the League
  • Hitler Reintroduces conscription

    Hitler Reintroduces conscription
    Germany, Britain, France, Italy Hitler reintroduces army conscription, making it a turning point in German remilitarization. Although it worried Britain and France, they did not act upon it. Closer links between Germany and Italy were speculated to be happening. It is significant because it shows German determination to build up its army again to full power and it is one of the first evidence of the lack of will from Britain and France to stop Germany.
  • Anglo-Naval German treaty

    Anglo-Naval German treaty
    Germany, Britain
    Agreement between Germany and Britain in which Britain allows Germany to increase its navy but still limiting it to 35% of the British navys size. It was a breach to the terms of the Treaty of Versail and a threat to France wellbeing.This is significant because its one of the first steps that lead to friction between Britain and France, it gives Germany what is wants under the terms of appeasment, avoiding war at any cost, which would later prove to fail.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Ethiopia
    Italy invades Ethiopia , which in consequence appeals to the league of nations. Italy's agression is passed without any major consequences, leaving Ethiopia hopeless and fortifying the idea that the League is not able to protect countries from agression
  • Germany Remilitarizes the Rhineland

    Germany Remilitarizes the Rhineland
    Hitler starts moving troops into the Rhineland, a land previously prohibited to have any troops. Although the big powers where aware of what Hitler was doing they decided not to do anything, following with the plan for Appeasment and trying to avoid conflict. It is significant becuase it is one of Hitlers first acts of defiance toward the terms of the treaty, and one of the first proofs that the big powers where not going to stand up to him.
  • Germany Annexes Austria

    Germany Annexes Austria
    Germany, Ausria, France, Britain
    With full pressure of Austrian Naxis conspiring to take over and unite with Germany, Austrian Chancellor Kurt Von Schusnigg resigned office, leading the way for Germany to move troops into Austria and complete the anexation. It is significant becuase it was another breach to the treaty of Versaille by Hitler, and it as a big step into WW2. Although France and Britain knew about the event they did not act.
  • Hitler and Chamberlain Meet at Berchtesgaden

    Hitler and Chamberlain Meet at Berchtesgaden
    Germany, Britain
    With German rapid and constant agressions, Neville Chamberlain met with Hitler at Berchtesgaden to try and find a negociable solution that would calm Hitler. Hitler and Chamberlain agreed to a deal, which put Britain in the leading position to fullfil Hitlers desires. It is significant becuase Britain became an ambassador to please Hitler and avoid war. Chamberlain tried to persuade France and Czechoslovakia to accept a settlement for the Sudentenland.
  • Munich Conference settlements.

    Munich Conference settlements.
    Germany, Britain, Czechoslovakia, France, Italy
    Germany, France, Britain and Italy met in Munich to resolve conflict over the Sudentenland. With appeasment still in mind, France, Britain agreed to give Hitler the Sudentenland . This guaranteed a German invasion for Czechoslovakia. It is significant becuase it was the begining for a large scale rearmament for Britain but it also proved the world how Britain and France will not stand up to Hitler, giving him once more what he wanted.
  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    Germany, Britain, France, USSR, Poland
    After a prolonged arms race in Europe, with Hitler having invaded Czechoslovakia, on Sept 1, Hitler launched an offesive to invade Poland. By Septermber 3 after prolonged public pressure, Britain declares war on Germany and France follows Britain. Non agression pact was signed between USSR and Germany, secretly planning to divide Poland. It is significant because the Polish invasion was the move that trigger WW2, marking the end to a negociative enviornment