Mom's 3rd generation ipod
Taking a trip to Mammoth Mountain to learn how to snowboard. My dad was driving, mom and brother were sleeping, and I was wide awake listening to my mom's ipod as i watched the snow fall around me. -
Gifted first CD/Radio Boombox
given my first radio/cd player/boombox for Christmas -
Purchased portable Sony CD Player
In the airport in Vancouver, Canada, I purchased my first portable CD player and bought my first CD: Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park. -
Next 2 birthday CDs
Given 2 new cds for my birthday by my uncle. All Killer New Filler: Sum 41 and ANThology: Alien Ant Farm -
My first Ipod
Received my first ipod for my birthday -
first cell phone
Given a cellphone my freshman year of high school because i was left at school after an away water polo game until 10:30 at night. I had to walk a mile and a half to a pay phone to call my mom... She was hooked on Desparate Housewives and forgot about me. I received a motorola RAZR with iTunes. -
Black iPhone 3G
Given my first iphone after my RAZR V3 would die if I removed it from the charger. Buying a new battery was too expensive. -
First Laptop
I purchased my first laptop a 17" MacBook Pro for college. It has a red case to protect it and i love it to death. I love music as shown with everything on my timeline involves music. -
iPhone 4
Given an iphone 4 for going to college gift. I've had since then and it has no screen scratches or broken parts.