Stephen F. Austin settles 300 colonist in Texas-April 1, 1825
This is great I have started a colony. And even better because it is the first legal anglo colony in Texas. -
Stephen F. Austin settles 300 colonist in Texas-April 1, 1825
Stephen F Austin brings 300 settaling families to his new colony. This was the second one of these settlements but the first one that was done legally. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_F._Austin 2/1/12 -
Freedonian Rebellion
Hayden and Benjamin Edwards choose to revolt against the Mexican government when they lost a land grant dispute. Santa Anna sent troops to end the rebellion. Source: http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/jcf01Handbook of Texas Online 31/1/12 -
Freedonian Rebellion: Mexico wins
The Edward brothers made the government suspisius of the Texans. The brothers fled so Mexaico won. -
Mier y Teran Report
Miler y Teran wrote a report about how Texas has been over run with anglos. He found that anglos out numbered Mexicans 10 to 1, the signs were all in english, and many settlers ignored te laws against immagration to the US. Author, Celebrationing Texas Honoring the Past Biulding the Future,Evenston, Illionios: McDougal Littell, 2003 PG 194 -
Mier y Teran Report Mexico wins
This is not good the Mexican government Might make laws agaist having anglos in Texas. -
Law of April 6th, 1830
The Mexican government created a law on April 6, 1830. They created the law to make life harder for the Anglo Texans. They did this by making a custums duty to and from the US, soldgers would be sent to inforce the laws, no more slaves for Texans, no immagration from US, and emmprasorio grants were given. Author, Celebrationing Texas Honoring the Past Biulding the Future,Evenston, Illionios: McDougal Littell, 2003 PG 194/195 -
Law of April 6th, 1830 Mexico wins
The Mexicans won because the law was good for them. But the Texans didn't like it. And they couldn't do much about it. -
The Turtle Bayou Resolutions
A resolution that states the colonist loyalty to Mexico. The Colonist in Turtle Bayou also stated that they suport Santa Anna. Author, Celebrationing Texas Honoring the Past Biulding the Future,Evenston, Illionios: McDougal Littell, 2003 PG 199 -
The Turtle Bayou Resolutions
This incounter ended nutrally so I am fine with it. Because I agree with them. -
Battle of Vonesco Texas wins
We won. Sure we won bause they didn't have amunition. But it still counts as a win and I will take that rather than a lose any day. -
Treaty of Volesco
This was a 2 day fight that resaulted in deaths on both sides. although the mexicans had the least number of deaths they had to surrender because of lack of amuniton. http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/qfv01 2/11/12 -
Santa Anna Takes over Mexican Government
Santa Anna has taken complete controll of Mexico. The reason that he did that is probly because he likes the power. Author, Celebrationing Texas Honoring the Past Biulding the Future,Evenston, Illionios: McDougal Littell, 2003 PG 196/197 -
Santa Anna Takes over Mexican Government Mexicans win
He looks like a good leader. I will like this guy if he follows the constitusion of 1824. -
Convention of 1833
This Convention Wanted Texas to have seprate state hood. Also there were 56 delegate at the convention. It was held in San Antonio. It also wanted for the Law of April 6, 1830 to be called off. This lead to Austins arrest, Author, Celebrationing Texas Honoring the Past Biulding the Future,Evenston, Illionios: McDougal Littell, 2003 PG 200/201 -
The Convention of 1833 Texas Wins
This is great for us we might be able to get more freedom. And seprate state hood! I like this. -
Stephen F. Austin is Arrested
Stephen F Austin sent a letter the his fellow Texans saying bad things about the Mexican government. The letter got intersepted and he went to jail in Mexico City. Author, Celebrationing Texas Honoring the Past Biulding the Future,Evenston, Illionios: McDougal Littell, 2003 PG 202 -
Stephen F. Austin is Arrested Mexicans win
I am out raged that I got put in jail just because I expressed my feelings at the time. It doesn't mean I hate the government. I was just mad a the time. Mexico you made a bad chioce. -
Conflict at Anahuac
A conflct that happened because Travis wanted his slaves that ran away back so he tried to trick Bradburnand got arrested. the colonist got mad and ordered for his release. Author, Celebrationing Texas Honoring the Past Biulding the Future,Evenston, Illionios: McDougal Littell, 2003 PG 198/199 -
Conflict at Anahuac
The Texans win because Williams B Travis got out of prison. -
Battle of Ganzolez
The Texas settlers now have a canon and protect themselfs well when the Mexicans arive they are shot at and flee to San Antonio.
Author, Celebrationing Texas Honoring the Past Biulding the Future,Evenston, Illionios: McDougal Littell, 2003 -
battle of Gonzolez
Texas wins!!! they fleed and showed that we are powerful. This is the first of many of our victory! -
Battle of San Antonio
The Texan army led a seige on San Antonio. On December 5th, 1835 the Texans Attacked. Leading the Mexicans to raise the white flag. Author, Celebrationing Texas Honoring the Past Biulding the Future,Evenston, Illionios: McDougal Littell, 2003 PG 207/208 -
Battle of San Antonio Texas wins
Yes have taken yet 1 more victory. And we will not stop until these victories lead us to freedom! -
RunAway Scrape
That is a term for Santa Anna is trying to conquest all of Texas. He made people leave there settlments. And there homes. He made life unsafe for the settlers. http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/pfr01 2/11/12 -
Runaway Scrape
I am very mad that the settlers didn't take a stand. They should have stayed and fought for what is rightfully theirs. -
Convention of 1836 (Texas Declares Indopendance)
The Texan leaders elected delegate in Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas. On March 1,1836 the delegates elected The Texas Deceration of Indopendence. The Texans are even closer to there indopendence. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_of_1836 2/11/12 -
Convention of 1836 (Texas Indopendence)
We have waitrd a long time for this and it has payed off. We will get what we want. And we want indopendence! -
The battle of the Alamo Texans win
This is a major loss. But it will just make us stonger and make the will to win even stronger. This will not hold us back or stop us. They have won the battle but they hvent won the war. -
Battle of the Alamo
This was a ruthless battle the mexicans outnumberd the Texans 10 to 1. There were 400 -600 Mexicans wounder or killed. There was a 13 day seige that the Mexicans had over powered. The mexicans killed all the men in the Alamo. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Alamo 10/2/12 -
Massacre at Goliad
The Mexican army surounded the 300 Texans at Goliad. When the attack started the Texans held strong but the Mexicans had renforcements. The Texans were tricked into surendering thinking they would be sent back to the US, but they ended up being prisioners in there own fort. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goliad_massacre 2/11/12 -
Massacre at Goliad Mexico wins
This is not fare they were to let them go. This was the Wrong choice Mexico. We will be indopendent. -
Battle of San Jacinto
This 18 minute battle killed 630 Mexicans and only 9 Texans. It was faught in Harris County, Texas. The Texans will end up beating Santa Anna's forces yet again. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_San_Jacinto 2/11/12 -
Battle of San Jacinto
This is great for us Texans. We are one step closer to winning our indopendence and even better our freedom!