Stephen smith

Stephen E. Smith Timeline - Morgan Kent

  • Stephen E. Smith is Born

    Stephen E. Smith is Born
    Stephen E. Smith is born on September 24th 1927 as the youngest child in his family.
  • Stephen E. Smith graduates from Georgetown University

    Stephen E. Smith graduates from Georgetown University
    Stephen E. Smith graduates from Georgetown University in 1948 with a bachelor's degree in history,
  • Stephen E. Smith marries Jean Kennedy.

    Stephen E. Smith marries Jean Kennedy.
    Stephen E. Smith marries Jean Kennedy who later gives birth to Stephen Jr., William, Amanda, and Kym.
  • Stephen E. Smith becomes an active roll in the JFK campaign

    Stephen E. Smith becomes an active roll in the JFK campaign
    Stephen E. Smith becomes the Political Advisor, and finance chairman for the JFK campaign.
  • Stephen E. Smith Death

    Stephen E. Smith Death
    Stephen E Smith dies battling lung cancer on August 19th 1990 due to his smoking addiction.
  • A wing in the Kennedy Library is named after Stephen in his honor

    A wing in the Kennedy Library is named after Stephen in his honor
    A wing in the Kennedy Library is named after Stephen for his fantastic work in the JFK campaign and his work with the library itself.