
Stephanie Conkey's Timeline Project

  • Trust vs Mistrust

    Susie, 18 months old, started crying because she was hungry. Her mother instantly acknowledged her and gave her food. In Erikson's 1st stage, Trust vs Mistrust, the crisis is between learning to trust people around you or living with fear, anxiety and mistrust.
  • Industry vs Inferiority

    Susie, 10 years old, loves school, but she did not make the mathlete team like her friends. In Erikson's 4th stage, Industry vs Inferiority, the crisis is between the child comparing themselves and their lives with others, which can either harm or help grow their selfesteem.
  • Identity vs Confusion

    Susie, 18 years old, told her parents she wants to become a doctor. Her parents told her she was not smart enough to become one and she became discouraged and decided not to attend school all together. In Erikson's first stage, identity vs confusion, the crisis is between developing a strong sense of self and identity in society or having self-doubt and a loss of direction in life.