Period: to
Steps Towards WW2
Fasicm in Italy
Italy had not been given a fair conpensation from the Treaty of Versaliars, Italy was in a economically meltdown. However this had led to the rise of Benito Mussolini who had founded Italy's facist party . As unemployment soared in italy, Mussolini's Fascist Party slowly gained support by running on a nationalist platform. Declaring himself as a dictator in 1925 he soon stablized the Italian economy and had implemented social welfare. -
Treaty of Versailles
The victorious countirs of WW1 met up in Paris to negotiate at Paris to rebuild Europe and ensuring ongoing peace. The leaders of 32 countries came upon the table but only 3 were dominant in the negotation(England US France). However Germany had to pay the consiquences of WW1 and were to blame on starting it, which soon be to devasting for Germany and was disbanded in soon to be leader Hitler. -
The League of Nations
The League of Nation was to ensure ever lasting peace and to negotiation with each other rather than to engage in military combat. Although the league of Nation was suggested by US Wilson, the US had never joined. Although the League of Nation was not very successful, it had laid the foundation of the United Nation after WW2 -
Soviet Union
Russia and three other republics formed the constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. -
Wall Street Crash
The Wall Strret stock market crash had led to the downfall of American enconmy which soon felt to countries around the world. Millions of people had lost thier jobs leaving thier earning and thier love ones behind to seek for new jobs, The crash had devastating effect on Australia leaving many homeless. ultimately this had led the nazi party to rise in party enforcing the German people and its economy would rise again -
The Third Reich
After Hitler coming to power he had begun putting beliefs and ideas. During this time there was no perosnal freedom, poeple had been exposed to the public and lack of privacy was a huge problem. Propaganda was used to silience critics and brainwashing was use to target Jews, Rallies was often to seen on the streets to show strength and bring fear to its people. -
The Nazi Party
Hitler had ignored the restrictions placed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. Nazism was characterised by the strong leadership of Adolf Hitler, supported by a small, powerful inner circle of people. Its ideology was built on German nationalism. anti-communism, anti-Semitism and the that ethnic Germans were racially superior to all other races -
Hitler beocmes Cancellor
Hitler had become Cancellor to recapture the Germany might and power prior to the end of World War 2 and to form a stablize government which inspire the supporters of Hitler -
Hitler invades Czechoslovakia.
When Hitler marched his troops into Czechoslovakia in March 1939, it became clear that appeasement had failed. On 15 March 1939, German troops marched into Czechoslovakia. They took over Bohemia, and established a protectorate (a state being controlled by a more powerful country) over Slovakia. -
Invasion of Poland
The German Invasion of Poland was soon to be the first military engagement of WW2. The war had led the Treaty of Versalies obselote and soon to fail. Germany had wanted to gain Polish Land.