
Steeve Jobs

  • Steeve jobs birth

    Steeve jobs birth
  • Steeve jobs graduate

    Steeve jobs graduate
    Steeve Jobs graduated from Homestead High school in Cupertino,California
  • Jobs is back from India

    Jobs is back from India
    Jobs his back from a trip in India and starts attending meeting of the Homebrew computer club, this is where he meets Steeve Wozniak. He is the one who created apple's first product
  • The Apple I

    The Apple I
    Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne creates Apple inc. and release the first computer the Apple I.
  • The Apple II

    The Apple II
    Apple introduces the Apple II, a powerfull personal computer that helped build the company's reputation,
  • Jobs is now a millionnaire

    Jobs is now a millionnaire
    Apple goes public, and the IPO makes him a millionaire
  • The new recruit

    The new recruit
    Jobs recrute John Sculley from PepsiCo to become apple's CEO.
  • He resigns

    Jobs resigns from Apple after a power struggle with John Scully
  • Founds and acquires Pixar

    Founds and acquires Pixar
    Steve jobs create, a computer company.
    He aslo acquires Pixar Animation studios from Geoge Lucas for 5 millions$
  • Jobs returns to Apple

    Jobs returns to Apple
    Apple acquires NeXT.Inc, and Steve Jobs returns to Apple as a consultant
  • CEO

    Jobs becomes the interim CEO of Apple
  • Period: to

    Apple's products

    Apple introduces alot of new product in the industry
  • Jobs resigns as the CEO

    Jobs resigns as the CEO
    Steve jobs resigns due to health complication as CEO but remains chairman of the board. The new CEO is Tim cook
  • Steve Job's passes away

    Steve Job's passes away
    Steve Jobs passes away at the age of 56 due to complications from a rare form of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.