
state of New York

  • The frist technology invented in New York

    The frist technology invented in New York
    The history of technology is the history of the invention of tools and techniques and is similar to other sides of the history of humanity. New knowledge has enabled people to create new things, and conversely, many scientific endeavors are made possible by technologies which assist humans in travelling to places they could not previously reach, and by scientific instruments by which we study nature in more detail than our natural senses allow.
  • The first telphone

    The first telphone
    What were the first words ever spoken on the telephone? They were spoken by Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the Telephone, when he made the first call on March 10, 1876, to his assistant, Thomas Watson: "Mr. Watson--come here--I want to see you." What would you have said?
  • The first telphone pole

    The first telphone pole
    Telephone poles are long, vertical pieces of wood, erected on roadsides by the government to teach bad drivers a lesson. They were first conceptualized in 1911 by British inventor Leonard Telephonepole[1], during his stay in the United States. Telephonepole, apparently disgusted with American motorists for, as he put it, "driving on the wrong bloody side of the road," was seeking a more efficient means to cockslap inconsiderate drivers, which at the time had to be done either by telegraph, or by