Start of WWII

By 77644
  • Maginot Line

    Maginot Line
    Instead of the French risking their troops attacking they'd wait behind the Maginot Line for the germans to approach. The decision proved to be disatours for two reasons. One- allowed Germany to concentrate on Poland first before turning west to face the British and French. Second- Hitler decided to go around the Maginot Line, which protected France's border with Germany but not France's border with Belgium.
  • Hitler began to defy the Treaty Of Versailles at the end of WWI.

    Hitler began to defy the Treaty Of Versailles at the end of WWI.
  • Hitler Calls again for the Germans.

    Hitler Calls again for the Germans.
    In the late 1937s Hitler once again called for the Unification of all German-speaking people, including those in Austria and Czechoslovakia.
  • The sending of the Anshluss

    The sending of the Anshluss
    Hitler sent troops into Austria in March and announched the anshcluss, or unification, of Austria and Germany.
  • Czechoslovakia

    Hitler announced German claims to the Sudentenland, an area of Czenchoslovakia with a large German-speaking population.
  • Munich Conferece

    Munich Conferece
    Britain and France agreed to Hitler's demands, a policy that came to be known as appeasement, They made the concessions in exchange for peace. Appeasement did fail to preserve the fragile peace. In March 1939, Germany sent troops into Czechoslovakia and divided the country.
  • Demands Danzig

    Demands Danzig
    Britain announced that if Poland went to war to defend its territory, Britain and France would come its aid. This declaration encouraged Poland to refuse Hitler's demands. In May 1939, Hitler oredered the German army to prepare to invade Poland. Also; he ordered his foreign minister to begin negotations with the USSR.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    The nonaggression pact, signed by Germany and the USSR shocked the world.Communism and Nazism were supposed to be totally opposed to each other. Leaders in Britain and France understood, however, that Hitler had made the deal to free himself for war against their countries and Poland.
  • Germany Invated Poland

    Germany Invated Poland
    Germany invated Poland and two days later Britain and France delared war on Germany, WWII had begun.
  • "Phony War"

    "Phony War"
    The British called this the "Bore War" while the American newspapers nicknamed it the "Phoney War." The British sent troops to France, and both countries remained on the defensive, waiting for the Germans to attack.
  • Blitzkrieg & Poland Fell

    Blitzkrieg & Poland Fell
    Germans used a new type of warfare called "blitzkrieg or lighting war" The polish army cpi;d mpt re[e; tje attacl. Warsaw, the polish capital fell to the Germans on September 27, by october 5th the germans had defeated the polish military.
  • Evacuation at Dunkirk

    Trapped the Allied forces in Belgium the Germans began to drive them toward the English Channel.
  • French Surrender

    The French surrender in the same railway car in which the Germans had surrenndered at the end of WWI
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    In June 1940, the german air force called the Luftwaffe, began to attack British shipping in the English Channel. In mid-August the Luftwaffe launched an all-out air battle to destroy the Royal Air Force. This battle lasted till into fall of 1940.