
The Second World War

  • Events Leading up to Pearl Harbour

    Events Leading up to Pearl Harbour
    Japanese army invaded Manchuria, without the consent of its its own government. Japan place military conspiration. Japan soon then invaded most of French Indo-China. As result the US sanctioned Japan with their oil and metals. These are products are needed desperately to supply Japan's war industries.
  • The Phony War

    The Phony War
    An seventh-month long battle; everyone expected Germany to attack Western Europe, but bad weather and indecision prevented this from happening. Allied troops waited for the attack.
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Atlantic ★

    The longest campaign, a war for the control of the shipping lines in the Atlantic between the allies and German U-Boats. German U-Boats were destroying allied ships faster than they were built. When the sonar was developed and with the helped of the Royal Canadian Navy providing protection, the allies were able to defeat the German.
  • Evacuation of Dunkirk

    Evacuation of Dunkirk
    When Belgium collaped, allied troopes retreated to the French beaches of Dunkirk on the English Channel to be rescued and to be shipped to England for safetly to fight another day.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Hitler used airal fight to weaken Britain's Royal Air Force by destorying its planes and plane factories to invade Britain via land. Hitler failed because Britain had developed radars to detect enemies from miles away; this greaty helped the allied win the battle.
  • Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Invasion of the Soviet Union
    German’s Operation Barbarossa was a massive invasion to the Soviet Union with 3 million German troops. They surprise and smashed the Soviets. In response Stalin used “scorched earth” against NAZI. This tactic weaken the NAZI. On Christmas, NAZI stopped.
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    Japan launched a surprise attack on the American naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Japan intension was to control the Pacific sea with its naval in preparation for their future attacks.
  • US declares war on Japan

    US declares war on Japan
    United States president Roosevelt gave his famous “Day of Infamy” speech and United States, as well as Britain declared war on Japan. As result, Hitler declared war on the United States in support of the Japanese, and the United States declared war on Germany.
  • The Battle of Midway ★

    The Battle of Midway ★
    The Midway Islands lie northwest of Hawaii. The Americans intercepted the Japanese fleet and defeated them. This is the turning point of the Japanese victories. Furthermore, the US sank the best units of the Japanese aircraft carries.
  • Dieppe

    Canadian soldiers landed on the coast of France. Their plan was to take back the town of Dieppe from Germans. However Germans “mowed” the soldiers on the beach, many Canadian were killed, wounded and taken as a prisoner. This battle thought the allies that heavy supports from air and sea was needed first.
  • Battle of Stalingrad ★

    Battle of Stalingrad ★
    German forces were slowed and weaken from the harsh Russian winter. As a result Soviets attacked them in Stalingrad on September. Hitler’s plan was to secure the Caucasus oil fields. On January 1943, the Soviets had killed or captured all of the German forces and won the battle. After this battle, German suffered defeat after defeat.
  • Battle of El Alamein

    Battle of El Alamein
    British’s decisive victory of defeating the Germans at El Alamein that prevented the Germans from seizing the Suez Canal, this weaken German’s oil resources which are vital to Hitler’s army. After El Alamein, the United States joins the War.
  • Canadian joins the Pacific War at Hong Kong

    Canadian joins the Pacific War at Hong Kong
    Canadian troops faced an impossible task. They were forced to surrender after 117 days of fighting, when supplies ran out. Many survivors were captured and place into Japanese Prisoner of War camps and were treaty very harshly.
  • Landing on Sicily

    Landing on Sicily
    The allied attack on Sicily a land near mainland Italy was designed to take pressure of the Soviet Allies and divert Germans from north-western Europe where the attack on Normandy. Canadian troops Allies captured Sicily in one month.
  • Taking Italy ★

    Taking Italy ★
    Canadian and Allied troops began to push forward to Italy until German stopped in Ortona. The Canadian troops succeeded to break German lines thus driving them back. In late April Mussolini was captured and displayed throughout Milan. Capturing Italy required many German troops for the NAZI. Thus making the defense for their France weak for allies.
  • Operation Overload ★

    Operation Overload ★
    Allied invasion of German-held France on the coast of France. The allies use naval and aerial bombardment to knock out German defenses. Within one week, there were over 300,000 allied soldiers on the shores of Normandy. After a month 1 million soldiers and 200,000 allied military vehicles. Many Germans died this was a great victory of the allies, because this means that Germans are lacking soldiers.
  • Juno

    Canadian forces were assigned the target of beachfront code-named Juno, Juno was one of the five such targets at Normandy. 5,000 Canadian Casualties and 200,000 allied casualties. German also have similar casualties. However German has now have limited amount of troops.
  • Battle of Leyte Gulf

    Battle of Leyte Gulf
    Leyte Gulf is in the Philippines. The Americans took "virtually the whole Japanese fleet. During the battle, the Japanese introduced the kamikaze suicide technique.
  • NAZI surrenders

    NAZI surrenders
    American and Soviet forces met in Germany, south of Berlin. Soviets demolish the city to rumble. To remove the NAZI-ism.
  • Hitler committed suicide

    Hitler committed suicide
    Adolf Hitler, leader of NAZI Germany committed sucide along with his parnter on April 30, 1945. However the war isn't over yet.
  • Liberation of Holland

    Liberation of Holland
    Canadian forces drove the NAZIS to retreat from Holland and surrender. This an important Canadian Victory and allowed allied troops to continue forward towards Germany.
  • NAZI Germany surrendered!

    NAZI Germany surrendered!
    The last German troops surrendered and thus Europe war comes to an End. Today we call this day V-E day to mark the end of this Europe war.
  • Hiroshima

    American military planners predicted United States president Truman that he could expect from 1 to 1.5 million American casualties in a conventional warfare; land battles. Truman then decided to use the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. When dropped, 78,000 civilians were killed.
  • Nagasaki

    The United Stated hoped that Japan would surrender. However they didn't, so Truman ordered the next atomic bomb on Nagasaki. When dropped 170,000 civilians were killed.
  • Japan formaly surrendered

    Japan formaly surrendered
    The formal signing of the "Japanese Instrument of Surrender" took plack in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945. Truma declared September 2 to be the offical V-J Day.