
Stars in my Eyes

  • Jack's birthday

    Jack's birthday
  • Liv and Maddie's birthday

    Liv and Maddie's birthday
  • Period: to

    BASIS Independent Manhattan

    Jack: 5 - 7
    Olivia and Maddie: 3 - 5
    Ava: 0 - 2
  • Ava's birthday

    Ava's birthday
  • Jason, Aiden, and Mason's birthday

    Jason, Aiden, and Mason's birthday
  • Period: to

    Pacific Collegiate Charter

    Jack - 8
    Olivia and Maddie - 6
    Ava - 3
    Mason, Aiden, and Jason - 2
  • Period: to

    The Theater Lab

  • Ryan, Ethan, and Logan's birthday

    Ryan, Ethan, and Logan's birthday
  • Period: to


    My parents decided to home school us because it was cheaper. So my mom home schooled all of us until Jack and I could teach the younger kids while we took online schooling. Once my mom was free from schooling she decided to hit world tour.
  • Isabelle's birthday

    Isabelle's birthday
  • Hudson and Sophia's birthday

    Hudson and Sophia's birthday
  • Suzanne's birthday

    Suzanne's birthday
  • Annabelle leaves for world tour

    Annabelle leaves for world tour
  • Dad goes off to Navy Seal training

    Dad goes off to Navy Seal training
  • Period: to

    Online Schooling