Star Wars Empire Strikes back

  • At Hoth. Climax.

    At Hoth. Climax.
    Luke and the rebels go to Hoth for a remote base and Luke goes out searching and get captured by a wampa but Luke escapes but Han Solo saves him and Luke had a vision of obi wan saying he needs to go to dagobah to be taught by master Yoda. The empire finds out that The rebels are on Hoth so they sent a attack big giant walkers called AT-AT but Luke figures out how to beat them and Luke leaves to go to dagobah. Leia, Han, Chewy and the droids leave to find a unexpected visitor you can say...
  • Luke's Hard Time on dagobah. But finds Yoda. Exposition.

    Luke's Hard Time on dagobah. But finds Yoda. Exposition.
    Luke arrives on dagobah but messes up his x wing and r2 got taken by a swamp creature but Luke gets him back. While Luke sets up camp a green short creature comes and tries to steal his food and he lures Luke to his home and Makes him eat. He talks to Luke about his father and how powerful he was but Luke thinks he does not know his father and Luke gets frustrated. The green creature says "I can not teach him he has no patience and we hear the voice of obi wan. And he revels that he is YODA!
  • Leia, Han, Chewbacca and c3-po rough ride. Rising action.

    Leia, Han, Chewbacca and c3-po rough ride. Rising action.
    The crew ran into the empire they sent out many many tie fighters to destroy them and the star destroyers opened fire but the crew went trough and astroid field and lost them they landed on what they taught was a big astroid but it was a monster and many flying creatures swarmed them they got out in the nick of time.
  • Darth Vader Talks to the emperor. Pt1.Exposition

    Darth Vader Talks to the emperor. Pt1.Exposition
    Vader talks to the Emperor. Vader Asks "What is thy biding my master"? The Emperor says "There has been a great Disturbance in the force" Vader replies "I have felt it" The Emperor says "We have a new enemy. The young rebel that destroyed the Death Star. I have no doubt This boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker." Darth Vader replies "How is that possible?" The Emperor replies "Search Your feelings Lord Vader. You will know it to be true. He could Destroy us." This one will continue to next
  • Darth Vader Talks to the emperor. Pt2. Exposition

    Darth Vader Talks to the emperor. Pt2. Exposition
    Vader replies "He's Just a boy. Obi wan can no longer help him" The emperor replies "The Force is strong with him. The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi." Vader replies "If he could be turned, He would become a powerful ally." The emperor replies "Yes. He would be a great asset. Can it be done?" Vader replies "He will join us or die, Master."
  • Luke and yoda. Exposition

    Luke and yoda. Exposition
    Yoda get very mad at Luke because Luke has anger and no patience. Yoda tells Luke who he is and a lesson about Jedi. Yoda puts Luke trough very very hard training and while he is training yoda tells Luke about the dark side. Luke takes a walk but when he does he has a hallucination that Vader attacked him and Vader was him. Yoda shows him the force and Luke levitates a rock in a stack but the x wing was fully emerged and yoda tells him to bring it back up but fails then Yoda does it.
  • The others have a bounty hunter after them and they arrive at bespin. Rising action.

    The others have a bounty hunter after them and they arrive at bespin. Rising action.
    The others leave the empires sight and go to bespin but they do not know that they have a bounty hunter after them. Han and this guy named Lando have I guess a rough past. They land and Lando greets them and Tricks Han to think that he is still mad but Lando gives him a big hug and asks chewie how he is doing and flirts with Leia. Han asks Lando to repair the Falcon. Lando says What have you done to my ship!? Because the Falcon was his before Han. Him and Han kinda get into a argument.
  • Luke leaving dagobah. Exposition

    Luke leaving dagobah. Exposition
    Yoda says 'Luke You must complete the training" But Luke has a vision that the others need help but yoda tries to stop him from leaving but he says he can't stay but then a force ghost of obi wan says "You don't know that. Even yoda cannot see their fate" Luke says "But I can help them! I feel the Force" Obi wan says "But you can't control it this is a dangerous time for you when you will be tempted by the dark side of the force." Yoda says "Yes Yes To Obi-Wan you will listen. This continues -->
  • Luke Leaving dagobah Pt2. Exposition

    Luke Leaving dagobah Pt2. Exposition
    Luke promises he will come back to finish his training. Obi wan warns him that the emperor wants him. But Luke still has to leave to go back to his friends. Obi Wan says he does not want to lose Luke like he did Darth Vader. Luke says You won't. Yoda and Obi Wan still try to stop him but they cannot Luke leaves dagobah and sets a corse to bespin
  • On cloud city. Pt1. Rising action.

    On cloud city. Pt1. Rising action.
    Leia and Han have a talk about the ship and Leia is worrying about Luke and she wants to leave. Chewy finds c3-po in pieces and brings him to the others. Lando comes into the room and asks them to have a drink with him... But when he opens the door Vader in there Han shoots him many time But Vader puts his hand out and it doesn't hurt him one bit. He uses the force to get the gun out of his hand he wants them to join him and a bounty hunter called boba fett. Lando apologizes Han says im sorry to
  • Cloud city. Pt2. Rising action.

    Cloud city. Pt2. Rising action.
    Luke is finally about to arrive on cloud city. They sent chewie to a prison cell along with c3-po or what's left of him. Chewie starts to put him back together. Darth Vader has Han in like a torture chamber. Darth Vader is going to give boba fett Han to take to Jabba the Hutt. Lando begs Vader to release Leia and chewie but Vader says Do you think you are being treated unfairly. Lando says No. Chewie has the top part together on c3-po but his head is on backwards. Han arrives in chewies cell.
  • Cloud city. Pt3

    Cloud city. Pt3
    Luke finally arrives. The other get escorted by Vader and boba fett to another room. Darth Vader freezes Han in carbonate. Luke has some trouble with stormtroopers while he is trying to get to the others but then He runs into Darth Vader him and Vader have a duel. While Luke and Vader are having a duel the others are escaping cloud city. Han gets taken by boba fett. Luke and Vader have a intense duel but at the end of the duel Vader cuts off Lukes hand and Vader says....
  • The End.

    The End.
    Vader says "Luke I am you father" Luke says "NOOOOOOO THATS IMPOSSIBLE" Vader tries to make him join the dark side but cants Luke jumps off the endless pit and grabs on to like a rod on the bottom of cloud city and the others pick him up and they are on a ship and Luke now has a robotic hand and The End.