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American Revolution

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    american revolution

  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The Battle of Lexington and Concord was the beggining of the American Revolution. 700 british soldiers marched into the town of concord to confiscate patriot weopons. They are met by 77 coloniel soldiers. They stand silently, then suddenly someone fires. Not knowing from which sid the shot was fired from, the battle began and so did the War
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    The night before the battle the colonists stayed up working on a 6 foot dirt wall while the british stay in bed sleeping. The british attempt to destroy the wall by shooting it with cannons from there ships but there is no impact.
  • Bunker Hll part 2

    So they begin to march.this is when american officer William Prescott states the famous quote "Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes." The british being mowed down again and again were semingly defeated, and it is seemed to be going in the colonists favor. But they run out of ammunition, And are forced to retreat, But not without without being uplifted for the battles to come
  • The Invasion of New York

    The Invasion of New York
    Te invasion of new york was a very important part of the war. it was an easy win for the british as they held most of there attack from there ships in which they fire cannonballs and destroy whatever base the colonists had set up. The colonists didn't have a navy so they had to retreat quickly using ancient indian routes. The British held New York for the rest of the war using it as a kind of central station The video in class
  • The Battle of Trenton

    The Battle of Trenton
    Fresh of the defeat from New York, Washington and his men were frezzing and dieing. also to make matters worse a good percentage of his army would be done in a couple of days and with the past year that they have had there was a slim chance that they would reinstate. So washington took action and decided to cross the deleware and attack trenton and the german mercenaries hired by the british army. They crossed in
    the middle of the night attacking on the day after christmas. in class video
  • Valley Forge

     Valley Forge
    Valley Forge is not a battle but it is still one of the biggest turning points in the entire war. The Continental Army wasn't doing to well. It had very little supplies and the rations were dwindling. But then just as they thought that all hope was lost. The weather eased up supplies and food slowly started coming in and most imortantly they got a new type of leader. He wasn't replacing George Washington but he was helping the army get its act together. His name was Baron Von Steuben
  • The Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga was easily the turning point of the war. the battle was actually two battles. The British actually tried to wait out the battle as they were surrounded and were waiting for backup to arrive, but it never does. they then launch another attack further down south at Bemis Heights, but by then they realize that it is to late. So John Bergoine and his 6000 British men were forced to surrender
  • The Battle Of Saratoga Part 2

    After winning this war the french ally with us and help us fight the french giving us something we won't have until John Adams and that is a navy In class video
  • The Battle of Cowpens

    The Battle of Cowpens
    This was a relatively small battle with no more than 1000 casualties combined. It happened down in carolina. The british were expecting to win easily as they outnumbered the british soldiers and were trained better. But they didn't know that each man was armed with an american long rifle. A variant of a german hunting gun with a rifled barrell wich makes the bullet spin and is much more accurate.
  • The Battle Of Cowpens Part 2

    They had them lined up in such a way that there was a continuous spray of bullets coming at the british and killing them. the colonists ended up wining and they only had 100 casualties to there 800.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    The Colonies and the french now allied t o take down the british devise a plan on both land and sea to attack yorktown. The settlement of general Charles Cornwallis. therer plan is to arive They take there time and surround the town on land and block the port. After weeks of fighting the brirish are finally forced to surrender. But General Cornwallis was so emberessed that he didn't even attend the surender ceromony. Nearly two full years later the Treaty of Paris is sighned and the war is over