Born in Georgia as Josif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili -
Begins attendance at Tiflis Seminary
Exiled to Siberia for first time
As a result of his organisation of a strike at Batumi -
Joined the Bolshevik Party
First meeting with Lenin
At a party conference in Tammerfors -
Appointed to the Central Committee
Exiled to Siberia for the 2nd time
Exiled for the duration of the war -
Left Siberia
Missed the February revolution and played minor role in the October revolution -
Appointed Commissar for Nationalities
Holds this position until 1923 -
Recognised for defence of Tsaritsyn
First signs of Stalin's dictatorial and violent behaviour -
Appointed Commissar of State Control
Appointed Commissar of Workers' and Peasants' Inspection
Appointed General Secretary of the Central Commitee
Lenin's Death
Mourned by the Russian people. -
14th Part Congress
The defeat of opposition on the Left. Stalin and Bukharin form duumvirate to rule USSR. -
Expulsion of Kamenv and Trotsky
Stalin gain control of the Politburo by majority. -
Stalin turns on Bukharin
The Great Purges begin
Millions subject to imprisonment in labour camps or death, many of these were 'show trials'. -
The first Five Year Plan begins
Ends in the end of 1932 -
Trotsky expelled from Soviet Unionn
Collectivisation of agriculture begins
Dekulakisation begins
Second Five Year Plan begins
Kolkhoz declared a voluntary organisation
Constitution of the USSR
Also known as the Fundamental Law. Appeared to be democratic in nature with the establishment of the Supreme Soviet which would appoint the Council of Ministers. -
Issue of new decress
Decrees established on:
- Labour use
-Absenteeism -
Outbreak of war with Germany
Germany Surrenders
World War 2 Ends
Death of Stalin