Period: to
Alliance between Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamenev -
Lenin Dies
Period: to
Alliance between Stalin and Bukharin -
Stalin gets into power
Trotsky has been deported, Zinoviev and Kamenev are under house arrest and Bukharin is in opposition. Stalin has won the struggle for power. -
Liquidation of the Kulaks
The Kulaks were rich peasants. Stalin wanted to get rid of them as they revolted against him. -
Period: to
First Five Year Plan
- Boost industry
- 100 years worth of industry in 5 years
- Govt controlled for maximum efficiency
- Produces more heavy industry Failures:
- Doesn't meet targets
- Bad quality
- Poor working conditions
- People lie to Stalin
- No transport
- No consumer goods
- No high tech goods
- Not 5 years (only 4)
- Low productivity
- Targets: Coal, Iron, Oil and Steel -
Period: to
- Merge smaller farms to make big farms controlled by the state
- Gives govt control of agriculture
- Peasants don't like and revolt
- Mini civil war
- Hardest workers given rewards
- Increases productivity
- Alexei Stakhanov mines 14 times average
Period: to
Second Five Year Plan
- Realistic targets
- More transportation production
- Consumer goods targets
- High tech goods targets
- More raw materials
- More steel ouput
- Transportation
- Higher living standards Failures:
- Little co-ordination
- More lies told to Stalin
- No one dares criticise it -
Congress of Victors
- Communist Central Commitee vote Kirov as best
- Stalin orders public results to show him on top
- Shows Stalin that the party isn't loyal to him
Kirov's Murder
Kirov, a prominant member of the Communist party, is assinated, giving Stalin a pretext for the Great Terror. -
Period: to
The Great Terror
- Effects mostly men in cities aged 25-55
- Stalin kills off people with power and opposition
Trial of the 16
- The first of the three famous show trials
- Deals with Zinoviev and Kamenev
Period: to
Consumer goods production converted to re-armament -
Trial of the 17
- Deals with Trotsky's allies
- Yagoda is replaced by Yezhov as head of NKVD
Trial of the 21
- Deals with Bukharin, Rykov and Yagoda
- Bukharin doesn't really confess (because he's awesome)
Period: to
Thrid Five Year Plan
- Focus on re-armament
- Cut short by WWII
- Most economic experts had been killed in the Great Terror
- 33% of govt investment went to military
- 166,000,000 tonnes of coal in 1940
- 31,000,000 tonnes of crude oil in 1940
- Steel production stagnated
- Very chaotic!
Trotsky dies
Trotsky is murdered with an icepick in Mexico -
Period: to
World War Two
Why Russia Won: Economy:
- Industrialised
- Inferstructure
- Re-armament
- Women workers (productivity x2) Lots of warning:
- Mein Kampf said Germany will invade Russia
- German expansion east, heading for Russia Alliances:
- Alliance with Germany prior to WWII
- The Nazi-Soviet Pact Hitler's Mistakes:
- Underestimated Russia
- Germany invades Russia while still fighting UK
- Hitler invades in summer, winter is coming!
- Hitler changes tactic, decideds to beseige instead of assault -
Cost of the War
- 10% of population died
- 20,000,000 fled to the West
- Some cannibalism in sieges
- 25& of equipment destroyed
- 70,000 villages destroyed
- 32,000 factories destroyed
- 65,000km of railway destroyed
Period: to
Cold War
Bad relations between USSR and west- 1945, US shows off Atomic Bomb
- 1945, Russia has biggest army (3,000,000 men)
- 1949, Russia developes "Joe 1" bomb
- 1950, US developes hydrogen bomb
- 1953, Russian hydrogen bomb "Layer Cake"
Period: to
Fourth Five Year Plan
- Same as 1st FYP
- As if Russia is back in 1928
- POWs forced to work, like slaves
Period: to
Fifth Five Year Plan
- Same as 4th FYP
- No consumer goods
Stalin Dies