Stalin's rise to power in the USSR

  • Stalin was born

    He was born on December 18th, 1878. His birth name was Losif (Joseph) Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. Later changed to Joseph Stalin.
  • Kicked out of the seminary

    He was kicked out of the seminary for supposedly missing exams. Though Stalin claims that it was because of Marxist propaganda.
  • Stalin meets with Lenin

    The Tampere conference there was a unofficial meeting for the Bolshevik party. This meeting is where Stalin ended up meeting with Lenin.
  • Tiflis bank robbery

    Stalin took part in the Tiflis bank robbery. Tiflis was the capitol of Georgia at the time. This robbery lead to the death of around 40 people. This robbery brought up his "rank" in the Bolsheviks and only brought him closer to Lenin.
  • Stalin name change

    This is when Stalin officially changed his name in 1910. In Russian this stood for "man of steel" and was used to hide his identity to an extent. At this point he had been captured and exiled multiple times so it was to hide from the police. He also used it to sort of use it as a sign for a true revolutionary.
  • Death of the Romanov family

    The Bolsheviks hated these old rulers of Russia. They had ruled for almost 300 years. The death of this family was not exactly a bad thing to the people of Russia but it only made Lenin/Stalin a closer leader to Russia.
  • Stalin appointed to General Secretary

    This was big. Stalin had officially been granted greater power in the Bolsheviks. Stalin started to gain trust and relationships throughout the party but started to gain the mistrust of Lenin himself due to his brutality.
  • The death of Lenin

    Lenin had his mistrust of Stalin but unfortunately his health started to deteriorate. He had surgery and afterwards had a stroke and was said to never be the same after this. Stalin had gained a position by now that he could officially take over for him. Lenin was going to publish a testimony but had a heart attack and was left paralyzed from it. Stalin being the next best once received this testimony and kept it to himself cause he knows his career would've been over. Lenin then died in 1924.
  • And then there were two

    After the death of Lenin it was left between Stalin, Kamenev, Zinoview, and Trotsky for the role of leader. Stalin though, got rid of some competition when Kamenev and Zinoview tried to involve him in a conspiracy against Trotsky. This just narrowed it down to fights between Stalin and Trotsky in the year 1925 over the leadership role.
  • The rule of Joseph Stalin

    Stalin had officially become the leader of the Soviet Union. Trotsky had been exiled at this point for reasons i'm unsure of and Stalin had officially been able to take over although claimed as a not very intelligent person. He sure pulled off an intelligent rise to power.