Stalin's Rise to Power

  • 10th Party Congress

    10th Party Congress
    This was an evennt were the communist party officials met, at this event the New Economic Policy was thought of and adopted. Also, the NEP ended War Communism, which moved the Soviets more towards capitalism. Also the 1921 Ban was soon placed, this ban restricted factions in the Communist Party, this was as a result of the Krondstat Revolution. This event allowed Stalin to later accuse many of his rivals of breaching this ban, and getting rid of them.
  • Stalin Becomes Secretary General of the Communist Party

    Stalin Becomes Secretary General of the Communist Party
    Stalin waas appointed the Secretary General of the Communist Party on April 3, 1922. This position was given to him without much thought, as he was not very important and it wasn't thought that giving him this position would give him any power. In hindsight, this was very important for Stalin's rise to power because he could appoint and take out officials from their posts.
  • The Triumvirate is Formed

    The Triumvirate is Formed
    In May of 1922, Lenin has his first strokes and this worries the communist party, it makes people wonder who would lead when Leniin left. There were many candidates from the Politburo, but Trotsky seemed the most likely to succeed. So, to prevent Trotsky from gaining too much support, Stalin, Zinoviev, and Kamenev formed an alliance. This became important for Stalin's rise because it allowed him to eliminate Trotsky from the picture.
  • The 12th Congress

    The 12th Congress
    In this event the triumvirs started taking action against Trotsky. Stalin was re-elected General Secretary and a new larger Central Comitttee was formed, also most of the members of the latter were not Trotsky supporters, finally Stalin started taking out Trotsky's supporters and replacing them with his own. This allowed him and the other triumvirs to separate Trotsky.
  • Lenin's Testament is Published

    Lenin's Testament is Published
    This document was shown to the central committee before the 13th Party Congress, and after Lenin's death. This document stated all the good things and the bad things about the most important communists. Also, in its postscript it suggested that Stalin be removed from his post. If this was published this could have damaged the public's view of Stalin and he might've been removed, but the triumvirs convinced the Central Committee not to publish it.
  • The United Opposition is Formed

    The United Opposition is Formed
    The United Opposition was an alliance formed by Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, and Nadya Krupskaya (Lenin's widow). But because Stalin controlled most of the Party he was able to ban their meetings and to not allow thme to meet. Then they were said to have broken the 1921 Ban and Zinoviev was expelled from the Politburo. Later he managed to expel Trotsky from the Central Committee after one of his supporters published Lenin's Testament in the New York Times.
  • The Defeat of the United Opposition

    The Defeat of the United Opposition
    Krupskaya makes peace with Stalin after the other three founders are isolated. Later Stalin tries to expel Trotsky and Zinoviev from the Central Committee. He is unsuccessful at first, but finally manages to expel them at a later date. This allows for other less important oppostitionists to be kicked out. Zinoviev and Kamenev fear that the Communist Party would be split, and with hints that Stalin would leave the NEP, they stop their critiques, and therefore end the United Opposition.
  • Trotsky is Deported

    Trotsky is Deported
    In January of 1928, Leon Trotsky is deported to Alma-Ata. Many others were also deported and they were sent to different places so that they could not communicate with one another. This marks the defeat of the left and is important in Stalin's rise to power, because with Trotsky out and Zinoviev and Kamenev not in power either the left wouldn't be a problem for Stalin anymore.
  • Stalin Moves Away from Bukharin

    Stalin Moves Away from Bukharin
    Stalin starts to move the economy away from the NEP and tries to make it more socialist, because of a food crisis. Trotsky's supporters go with Stalin see Bukharin as threat. Both went to the Left Opposition for support, and it was clear that there was a division between Bukharin and Stalin. By moving away from Bukharin, Stalin was trying to defeat his only remaining opponent, which would allow him to have full control.
  • Stalin Defeats the Right

    Stalin Defeats the Right
    Stalin got Trotsky expelled from Russia, because he feared he would from an alliance with Bukharin. Then Bukharin made a speech about Lenin's Testament. Stalin accused Bukharin of factionalism because of his meeting with Kamenev, and his speech. The charge was accepted and Bukharin was removed as editor of Pravda and the Politburo. This meant that Stalin had almost all the power for himself