Map of the world by the us gov as of 2016 no legend.svg

economic globalization

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    The rise of communism

    the first communist leader was Vladimir Lenin who introduced communism because his country was going down hill and weren't very industrialized. The second was Joseph Stalin he made Russia industrialize really fast but he also killed a lot of people. Economic Globalization: Positive for Russia because it helped them from dying off and when Stalin came it he made them industrialized also known as the 5 year plans
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    it was a war 4 year long war and it started from an assassination on Archduke Ferdinand and his pregnant wife because a lot of people who hated living hungry and approximately 17 to 100 million people died across the world Economic Globalization: positive because it made a lot of people money because they were supplying the military and everyone was joining together to fight.
  • Treaty of versailles

    Treaty of versailles
    this treaty was a really important treaty because it made germany pay for starting the war. economic globalization: positive because everyone got together to sign a treaty that ended WW1
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    who: Soviet dictator who killed almost 33 million people. he believed in collectivization and communism.
    economic globalization: negative effect, he stopped economic globalization as it communism stops trade
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    the great depression

    it was a economic crashed that lasted 4 years in the united states. It happened because people were spending a lot of money because banks had just released credit cards and people were going into dept and selling their kids Economic Globalization: negative because everyone was broke and homeless and the economy collapsed and people were selling their kids which is a pretty big sign that stuff was pretty bad
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    he was born in germany and grew up to be the leader of the nazi party, which started WW2 he was born in 1889 and died in 1945 he got leadership after he said that the communists were coming after them after he left a random person in front of a burning building economic Globalization: Positive for Germany because he took over other countries and got resources for Germany.
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    this was a war that lasted 6 years and it started from Hitler and the nazi party rising up and taking over countries while starting a mass genocide Economic Globalization: Positive because people were getting together and supplying each other for war and people who won the war would make a lot of money especially people who supplied the army
  • Bretton Woods conference

    It was a conference that had 730 delegates from all the 44 nations to regulate the international monetary and financial order after WW2 Economic Globalization: Positive because they made decisions to make the economy better and a bunch of nations got together to talk about how they would make the economy run again
  • World Bank

    The world bank is a bank that gives loans to governments that have low or middle income to prevent countries from going into poverty Economic Globalization: Positive because a lot of countries got together to make a bank that can help countries from going broke and save their economy from crashing
  • IMF

    imf stands for international monetary fund and it was 190 countries that got together to make a foster global monetary cooperation so that they could reduce poverty around the world Economic Globalization: Positive because people got together once again and made a fund just so that the countries could avoid being broke and the economy crashing.
  • G.A.T.T

    GATT stands for General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs
    It was an agreement signed by a bunch of countries in order to promote international trade.
    Economic Globalization: Positive because a bunch of countries got together to sign an agreement to trade with each other.
  • WTO

    wto stands for world trade organization and it was made to regulate the international trade between nations and basically keep track on all the trade that went around the world. It the same as GATT but with more countries involved. Economic Globalization: Positive because all of the countries got together to make it and it helps stop criminal stuff from going on.