Kronstadt Rebellion civil war; NEP is adopted; 1921 ban
Who was involved:
-Vladimir Lenin
-Stepan Petrichenko (led the rebellion) War Communism was implemented during the civil war. Sailors & workers at the Kronstadt naval base revolted against this policy & Bolsheviks restrictions. Led to NEP, which later caused splits among triumvirs, left, center, and right. This was a step towards capitalism & an end to War Communism. Led to the 1921 ban. Origins of single-party state associated with economic and political problems arising from these events. -
Stalin Becomes General Secretary
Those involved:
-Stalin With Kamenev's help, Lenin appointed Stalin to position of General Secretary of the Communist Party. This was a step in Stalin's rise to power, enabling him to appoint his allies to and dismiss rivals from the Communist Party. Contributed to the consolidation of his rule. -
Lenin's Testament and Postscript
Testament created in December 1922; Postscipt added in January 1923.
Those involved:
-Stalin In the Postscript, Lenin called for Stalin's removal–the first indication of suspicions toward Stalin, although everyone else at that point had underestimated him. This shows how Stalin's beliefs didn't match up with Lenin's, and how he regarded by Lenin. -
Triumvirs Begin Campaign Against Trotsky
*Key stage in the power struggle
Those involved:
-Trotsky At 12th Congress, triumvirs began campaigning against Trotsky. Stalin was re-elected as General Secretary. Stalin replaced many of Trotsky's supporters; an enlarged Central Committee was elected, with only three of the forty supporting Trotsky. This was an important step for Stalin to gain support in the power struggle. -
Left Opposition formation & defeat
Those involved:
-Stalin Trotsky formed a group with those opposed to the policies of the triumvirs. Trotsky inadvertently helped Stalin by not speaking out against him in his book. Stalin gave Trotsky the wrong date for Lenin's funeral. He used his power to isolate him and ultimately defeated him. -
Lenin dies
Those involved:
-Stalin This was important in Stalin's rise to power. Stalin gave Trosky the wrong date for the funeral, and when he did not show up, succeeded in furthering a negative reputation of Trotsky. Before this, everyone had expected Trotsky to take power. Instead, Lenin's death marked the beginning of Stalin's rise. -
Central Committee Withholds Lenin's Testament; Doesn't Dismiss Stalin
Those involved:
-Stalin Zinoviev and Kamenev persuaded the Central Committee to not act on or publish Lenin's Testament, which would keep Stalin in power. Shows how they underestimated his potential influence, as they thought they would be able to control him. Also a major step in the power struggle. -
United Opposition Formed
*Second stage of power struggle.
Those involved:
-Nadya Krupskaya (Lenin's widow) A group was formed to oppose Stalin. Another attempt in the power struggle to get rid of him; Kamenev and Zinoviev turned on him and joined Trotsky. Shows how rivalries changed. -
Defeat of Right Oppositon
*Final stage of the power struggle.
Those involved:
-Trotsky Conflict between Stalinists and Bukharinists over NEP. Trotsky saw Bukharin's party as more of a threat to the gains of the Nov. Revolution, so many of his supporters began supporting Stalin as well. Bukharin accused of factionalism, removed from Pravda & Politburo. This gave Stalin almost complete control of the Communist Party, -
End of United Opposition
Those involved:
-Nadya Krupskaya Stalin banned United Opposition meetings & dismissed their members–shows his influence at the time. Trotsky and Zinoviev Dismissed from Communist Party; Kamenev Removed from Central Committee. Contributed to Stalin's consolidation of rule in his defeat of opponents.