The first milestone a human experiences, also the first event any human experiences. Immediately after a baby has been born, trust vs. mistrust begins, via a bond between the child and their mother.
(Erickson) -
Period: to
Baby to early childhood (toddler phase)
During this timespan, Id develops in babies and toddlers, their temper tantrums and screaming is an expression of basic needs and wants. They want these needs and wants to be gratified as soon as possible, and are only thinking about themselves.
(Freudian) -
Period: to
The Oral Stage
During this time period, the child's primary source of interaction occurs through the mouth, so the child derives pleasure from actions like tasting and sucking. This is how the child develops a sense of trust and comfort. The weaning process has to be successful, otherwise Freud believed that children with oral fixation would have problems with everything from drinking to nail biting.
(Freud) -
Baby begins to walk
This is an expression of their independence, as well as a physical milestone. -
Period: to
The development of autonomy vs. shame and doubt
In this time period, a child begins to gain independence. The child may begin to walk away from the mother, and picking out their own toys to play with. During this stage, if children are not properly supported and encouraged, personality deficiencies begin to arise such as: lack of self esteem, lack of confidence, shame, and increased reliance on others.
(Erickson) -
Period: to
The anal stage
Freud believed at this time period the child needed to learn to control their bodily needs. Success at this stage is determined by how well the parents accomplish potty training. Freud believed success at this stage helped children become competent and productive adults. If parents are too strict, the child could become aggressive and destructive later in life.
(Freud) -
Child learns to run
At this stage, the child should begin to run, kick, as well as other developmental milestones, like follow two step instructions, and walks up and down the stairs. -
Period: to
Initiative vs. Guilt
During this stage, the child is a preschooler. These are very important years for childhood development, as the child is growing and changing very rapidly. This time period is when the child is regularly interacting with other children their age, in preschool, and eventually elementary school. At this stage, the child should begin to develop interpersonal skills, plan activities, and begin to take initiative.
(Erickson) -
Period: to
The Phallic Stage
During this stage the libido is primarily focused on the genitals. At this stage, children discover the difference between males and females.
The Oedipus Complex: Boys see their fathers as a rival for their mother's affection, and a desire to replace the father. However, he fears he will be punished for this feelings, known as Castration anxiety.
The Electra Complex: A similar set of feelings for young girls. Freud believed girls experience penis envy. He believed it never went away. -
Begins to take on creative attributes
Plays make believe, recite poems (ittsy bitsy spider), make up games, names colors, draws people. -
Begins to Sing, Dance, and Act
The child is becoming more expressive, and wants to gain attention from friends and family. -
Period: to
Industry vs. Inferiority
Children are now at the age where they are able to read and write, do basic math, and making decisions on their own. The child's peer group will take on greater significance, becoming an integral part of their self esteem. The child now desires approval, and begins to demonstrate proficiency in several basic skills, and reaches several goals. If this goal achieving is not encouraged, the child will doubt their own abilities. A balance between modesty and competence is necessary.
(Erickson) -
Starts school
This is an emotional and social milestone as the child becomes more independent, and the child begins to focus on peer relationships. -
Period: to
The latent period
During this stage sexual feelings are inactive. Superego feelings begin to develop, while the Id's energies are suppressed. Children become concerned with peer relationships, hobbies, and other interests. -
Learns to swim
At this stage the child is begin to explore their physical abilities, making this a physical milestone. -
Period: to
Identity vs. Role Confusion
During this stage, individuals search for a sense of self and personal identity, through an exploration of personal values, beliefs, and goals. Children are becoming more independent, beginning to look at careers, families, and housing. The child has to learn the roles he will accomplish as an adult: the occupational and the sexual. The adolescent my be uncomfortable, but grow into themselves. Role confusion can lead to them being uncomfortable in life
(Erikson) -
Period: to
The Genital stage
The onset of puberty causes the libido to become active again. The individual will develop a strong interest in the opposite sex. It begins during puberty but will last the rest of a person's life. The interest in the welfare of others begins in this stage. The individual should now be well-balanced, caring, and warm. The goal of this stage is to achieve a balanced life.
(Freud) -
Has first relationship
During adolescence, puberty increases hormones and the desire to have a romantic relationship
An emotional and social milestone -
Getting a driver's license
This is an emotional and social milestone. The individual becomes more independent, and more social with peers. -
Gets first job
This is an emotional milestone as the individual is independent and fulfilling a role in society -
Period: to
Intimacy vs. Isolation
During young adulthood, we share ourselves more intimately with others. We explore relationships leaning towards long-term commitments. Successful completion of this stage can lead to happy relationships. This will lead to the virtue of love Avoiding intimacy can lead to isolation, loneliness, and depression.
(Erikson) -
Gets married
At emotional maturity, the person is now ready to form an in-depth relationship. This is an emotional and social milestone.
The individual is now beginning to assert themselves in society. -
Period: to
Generativity vs. Stagnation
During middle adulthood, the individual should establish careers and relationships, begin families and develop a sense of ourselves within a larger picture. The individual should give back to society through raising children, and being involved in community events and organizations.
Lack of these accomplishments can lead to stagnation, and feeling unproductive.
(Erikson) -
Period: to
Ego Integrity vs. Despair
In this stage the individual slows down productivity and explores life as a retired person. The individual contemplate their accomplishments in hopes of determined if they led a successful life. Success in this stage will lead to wisdom, allowing a person to look back on life with completeness