Period: to
Stages of Development
6 Month
~The fetus is 8-12 inches long & weighs 12-118 ounces
~All organs are maturing
~Fetus can hear sounds & breathing movements occur
~Fetus develops fat under the skin -
9th Month
~Fetus continues to grow & develop
~Movement will decrease as fetus has less room in the uterus
~Fetus will move to the final position to prepare for birth -
1st Month of Pregnacy
~The Nervous & Respiratory start to form
~The embryo is about 1/2 long
~By the end of this month the heart will begin to beat -
2nd month
~Brain is rapidly devolping control & movement
~Arms & legs are growing & taking shape
~Other organs begin to work including the liver & stomach
~Detail on face begins to show -
3rd Month
~Fetal stage begins
~All organs are working but still immature
~Kidneys start functioning
~Fingers & toes shape
~Fetus is active but mother probaly wont notice