Uexcel life span developmental psychology course 132486 large

Stages of Development

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  • Prenatal Development and Birth

    Prenatal Development and Birth
    The development of Alyssa began in April of 1995 starting as a zygote. The zygote developed into and embryo. At week nine the embryo developed into a fetus. This fetus grew and grew until January 23, 1996. This was the day the fetus saw the first sight of the world.
  • Face Recognition

    Face Recognition
    From birth to two years the brain grew greatly. As I began to grow, my brain began to recognize familar faces. This procress is known as face recognition.
  • Object Permanence

    Object Permanence
    Alyssa soon understood object permanence. Alyssa's parents would continue to play peak-a-boo with her. But this time, Alyssa knew that her parents were still there.
  • Developing Emotions

    Developing Emotions
    Within the first two years Alyssa began to develop more emotions. One day Alyssa was at school. While at school she tripped over her own shoe lace, falling straight on her face. Her peers stared while her teacher helped her up. Alyssa began to sweat and stared to cry. Alyssa was so embarrassed.
  • Motor Skills Improvement

    Motor Skills Improvement
    Alyssa has been practicing for weeks, and she can finally tie her shoelaces!
  • Rules

    While in school Alyssa learns how to listen to rules. While making decorations for Halloween, her teacher instructs the students step by step to build their Halloween pumpkins.
  • Emotional Control

    Emotional Control
    Alyssa began to have play dates with her classmates. Since Alyssa's brain have started to understand sharing, her and her friend enjoy a fun tea party.
  • Attention

    Alyssa is in school all day now. Instead of having to have breaks every so often, Alyssa and her classmates can pay attention to the teacher for long amounts of time.
  • Number sequences

    Number sequences
    Alyssa has learned how to add,subract,multiple, and divide. But Alyssa is now learning how to understand diffferent number sequences.
  • Frienships

    While growing up, Alyssa has had friends. Most of her friends came from her classes. As she continues to grow, her friendships grow stronger and stronger with her freinds. Her friends are turning into best freinds!
  • Stress

    Alyssa has just entered highschool. WIth school, extracurricular activites, and friends, Alyssa is learning how to balance these things. Trying to balance her activties and be a 4.0 student, Alyssa is experiencing some stress.
  • Logical thinking

    Logical thinking
    Alyssa has been uncertain on what she wants to go to college for. With and interest in people and helping them, she has finally came up with an achievable end goal. She has decided that she wants to work towards becoming a Chiropractor.
  • Identity

    Growing up can be hard. Figuring out who you might be is harder. Alyssa has had a group of friends since she was little. A few recent situations with them has made her realize that she isn't like her friends any more. Alyssa is in the process of figuring out who she is.
  • Multitasking

    With work, two kids, and a husband Alyssa has been perfecting her multitasking skills. When Alyssa was younger she thought she was good at multitasking but she realized that her good then is her great now.
  • Sexual Reproduction

    Sexual Reproduction
    Alyssa and her husband have been talking about starting a family together. With having their lives in a good place they decided that right now is a good time. Three months later, Alyssa and her husband find out that they are having twins! And so it begins...
  • Parenthood

    Alyssa is now taking care of two kids. Her and her husband are learning the ropes with parenthood. When to punish, when to teach. Parenthood is not easy, but in the long run it is well worth it.
  • My end of time

    My end of time
    Alyssa just got diagnosed with dementia. Her symptoms have increased greatly. The doctors have told Alyssa and her husband of the increased chance of her dying. With Alyssa's memory going she is only happy now but her husband knows that anytime could be her time.