Trust versus mistrust
Nathan at the age of 6 months is developing trust in his adoptive mother because whenever he cries in distress, she comforts him. This is Erikson’s first stage, trust versus mistrust where infants learn to trust that there are people in their life that will support them. -
Autonomy versus shame.
At the age of 2 years Nathan choose to eat eggs and a banana for breakfast. He then put on shorts and sweatshirt hoodie. In the second stage of Erikson’s theory, Nathan is going through autonomy versus shame. During this crisis he is learning to make his own choices and gaining independence. -
Industry versus inferiority
Nathan who celebrated his 6th birthday this year is starting school for the first time, where he is learning to read. During recess he play whatever games the rest of his peers are playing. Erikson’s fourth stage is shown here, industry versus inferiority, where children start to learn and show competencies in what is valued in their societies. -
Intimacy versus isolation
Nathan age 21 purposed to his girlfriend, to which she accepted and they have set a wedding date. Nathan is in Erikson’s sixth stage intimacy versus isolation. This crisis is focusing on a person’s ability to be open and loving with someone other than family.